22. Energy Drinks

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They may have had an emotional and long night, but Toni and Jaiden were enjoying the next morning together.  Being open seemed to take the weight off Jaiden's shoulders, and now he was falling into place.  

Their Sunday morning consisted of just the two of them curled up on the porch love seat and watching the sunrise. Toni ran his hands through Jaiden's hair, enjoying how the light cascaded on the blonde highlights. He looked down at his phone when he received a text message and froze. "Fuck." He exclaimed.

Jaiden jumped from the unexpected noise. He looked at Toni, who flipped to his phone's calendar. "Fuck!"

"Toni? What's wrong?" Jaiden held his arm.

Toni gave him a sheepish smile. "You know that shit always spout about family is everything?"

Jaiden nodded.

"It sounds like bullshit if you forget your mom's birthday." He groaned and fell back in the chair.

"Did it already pass?" Jaiden asked, trying to hide a smile.

"No... but she had her party today with the family, and it completely slipped my mind." Toni groaned again.

Jaiden couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed. "You're acting like you haven't been working on an insane murder case for a month now."

Toni pulled him into his arms, so Jaiden sat on his lap. "You forgot to mention my extremely distracting partner."

Jaiden kissed his cheeks a couple of times. "Come on, sexy. You better get ready for your mom's party."

Toni agreed, and they both got up. After showering together, Jaiden remained in his towel and watched Toni get dressed.

Toni seemed to be a little nervous and kept glancing at Jaiden.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Jaiden finally asked and ran his hands through his wet hair. Toni was almost always confident, so it was interesting to see him flustered.

Toni rubbed the back of his head. "I was wondering... if you..." He coughed a little. "If you want to go with me."

Jaiden's eyes widened, and he felt himself flush. "To meet your family?"

Toni's hand moved from his neck and down the length of his jaw. "I know it's a big event, so you don't have to until we're..." He didn't know how to finish. More established?

Jaiden ran his hands through his hair again. "I should wear a long sleeved shirt to hide these." He held up his bruised wrist with a grin. The handcuffs were a hot addition to their night but definitely left a lasting reminder.

"Are you sure, mi sol?"

"Yeah. It's going to be great." He said with a forced smile and a higher pitched voice. Inwardly he cursed himself for being unable to resist that adorable bashfulness in Toni. He had never had to meet parents or families before. He never felt the need to impress someone. He kept everyone at arm's length because the moment that you become associated with a lover's family, the ability to break it off becomes harder.

He got up and started to dig through the side of the closet that had suddenly turned into 'his side'. Toni observed him as he got dressed and nervously tried to style his hair.

"Fuck. I should have found a barber a long time ago." He muttered.

Toni wrapped his arms around Jaiden's waist and kissed his shoulder. "I like your long hair."

"You like pulling my hair." Jaiden complained.

Toni smirked. "You like it too." He lifted his hands and started to run his hands through the loose curls, making Jaiden close his eyes and lean into him. It was a weakness he found in Jaiden. He couldn't get enough of something playing with his hair.

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