41. Clase Azul

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Time seemed to crawl, and the chill in the wind made Jaiden shiver. His hands were aching along with most of his body, and he felt sluggish. He had a hand resting on an old car as he tried to catch his breath, but it was difficult. His injuries were taking a toll.

Keep moving forward.

He stepped between two cars and felt his feet trip on something, making him tumble to the ground. He bit down on his lip to keep from crying out, but the pain was terrible. He stayed lying on the ground, hoping that his fall wasn't too loud.

While on his back, he noticed that the sun was far to the west, ready to set on this day. The night was coming soon.

His mind was in a state of constant battle. The part of him that focused on the pain wanted to stay still, just let the pain consume him... Close his eyes, and just be done... He could fight with his fists. He could argue until his throat bled. He could be an unyielding and stubborn asshole. But now, he was feeling tired and worn. Giving up was an option, and it kept whispering in his ear like a seductress.

But the other part of him was resilient despite the pain. This was the side he listened to. It was the one that echoed that he needed to keep moving forward. He can still run and throw in a couple more hits.

He was ready to get back up, but he jolted when he turned to his side. He was face to face with Sierra. It was then that he realized that he had tripped over her legs.

Blood bubbled from her chest, and her breathing slowed and labored. She was looking at him with dull eyes. She was fading.

"He... killed...Mary..." She whispered.

Jaiden nodded slowly. He watched as tears slipped down her face.

"My... sister... brother..." She let out a small raspy sob. "...Sorry... So... sorry..." Her words were fading, and her chest paused in the middle of an inhale and then fell with a slow exhale until she no longer moved.

Her mouth remained slightly open, but no noise would escape her lips again. Jaiden sighed and gingerly moved into a kneeling position. He was uncoordinated because he only had one arm to work with, so he had to be careful with how he moved. Once he was stable, he reached out a hand to close her eyes. She seemed to have so much life working behind the bar, outspoken and flirty. It was a shame that she fell into this mess.

"She was beautiful." A cold voice cut through Jaiden, making his breath hitch. "And now her body will serve a purpose."

Hard metal pressed against the back of his head. The sirens were near, but they were not close enough.

"Fuck." The word slipped from Jaiden's mouth. "From my rotting body, flowers shall grow."  He said quietly.

Christopher chuckled.  "That's right. I thought you would like that line. It brought back memories of our night in the church."

Jaiden grit his teeth and ignored the last comment.  He brushed away the stray hairs from Sierra's face and clumsily brought himself to a standing position with the aid of the vehicles around him. He leaned against a car and took in slow and long breaths. "I thought I could last a little longer."

Christopher chuckled. "You should have watched where you were going. Now let's get you back in the van."

Jaiden groaned and started to walk back to the open area. He moved slower than necessary, wanting to delay as much as possible. Unfortunately, the gun that mercilessly jabbed in his back pressed him to go faster. He stumbled a couple of times but at least kept his footing. Once he got to the clearing, he leaned up against a car's hood.

"Get in the van." Christopher ordered.

He looked down at the body of Billy, who was lying out by the van. It was a shame that he became a victim as well. "Were you planning on killing everyone in the end?"

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