23. Beers and Espresso

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The day quickly turned dark, and Jaiden sat around a campfire with Toni's father, brothers, and uncles while drinking beers. Their conversations flowed between English and Spanish seamlessly. 

Apparently, Toni never brought anyone home before, so it was a surprise to see Jaiden. When they announced their relationship, it was another sort of celebration. His mom insisted that Jaiden called her mamá and claimed that he was the best birthday present. She was worried that Toni was too focused on his job that he would never bring a lover home.

Most of the family thought the same, so they felt it was needed to toast and drink more. He was unanimously accepted into the family when Toni said he was his boyfriend, but he was adored when they found how easily he fit in with everyone else.

Toni was driving, so he watched his family clammer around Jaiden, asking him questions about his life. Jaiden would look at Toni helplessly, but he was patient and kind to everyone.

Toni's sister, Mercedes, stood next to him with a beer and nudged him.

"It's bullshit." She muttered.

Toni raised an eyebrow. "What is?"

"You have been fucking around for a long time, never committing to anything. And then suddenly you bring home a man more gorgeous than I can hope to find. How the hell is that possible?" She said with a huff.

Toni chuckled. "Jealous?"

She frowned. "Immensely. I mean, look at him. He is handsome, tall, built, and speaks Spanish." She groaned. "I bet he looks like sex on legs in a uniform. Where did you snag that man?"

Toni was still smiling. "I held open the elevator door for him... in your apartment building, I must add."

She gasped and slapped his shoulder. "You ass! Just rub it in... Seriously though, when are you going to get tired of him? I want to comfort him afterward." She winked.

Toni glared down at her. "Never."

She froze, and her eyes widened a little. She let out a surprised 'oh' and clasped her hand over her mouth. "You're serious about him?"

He watched Jaiden talking with his uncles and laughing. His discomfort had long ago disappeared, and Toni's family warmly welcomed him.

"I've never met anyone like him before. Estoy loco por él." Toni said with a sigh.

Mercedes laughed. "You must be crazy for him. Look at you, sounding so sappy, hermano. I'm happy for you. I'm curious; what made you know that he was the one?"

Toni shifted uncomfortably. "I wouldn't say 'the one'... yet. I want him to be."

She snorted. "Stop beating around the bush. You're my twin, and I know you like I know myself. The way you look at him tells me everything. He's it for you. You know it, and I know it. I just want to know when you knew."

Toni sighed and rubbed his eyes. "You're not allowed to tease me."

She held up her hands. "I promise!"

"It was the moment I saw him for the first time."

"Shut the fuck up." She laughed. "That whole love at first sight thing is bullshit."

Toni clicked his tongue. "It wasn't that... I don't know if you remember that day, but I left your apartment in a foul mood."

"That was pretty much every fucking day after you came back from Colorado."

Toni shot her an unamused look. "I was just settling back in Burque after that shit in Denver and with Xavier. I was pissed because the case didn't end the way I wanted it to, my arm was killing me, and I was basically in time out from the force. I was angry and in pain. You gave me shit about something I can't remember now, and it rubbed me the wrong way, so I stormed out.

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