Red Pill (Chapter Two)

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Neo got dressed preparing to meet Morpheus he remembered that he was supposed to go to The Adams Street Bridge which was Downtown. He put on his boots and was about to head out the door when the phone rang he quickly answered it.  "Hello," Neo said and a familiar voice replied.  "Mr. Anderson?" The man from earlier was the man he promised to help.

"Yes." Neo answered and there was a pause "Have you located Morpheus?" The man asked, "No, I mean I'm on my way to meet him right now." Neo answered, "That is good Mr. Anderson do whatever he asks of you we don't want him catching on you are very valuable to me I wish to inform you that you are not my only informant there is another I can't reveal who at this time but know that you are not alone." The man said and Neo felt a sense of relief he wasn't the only traitor that's good to know but could he really be considered one it's not like he professed his undying loyalty or even regular old loyalty to Morpheus he barely knew the guy he was only now going to meet the guy. "Mr. Anderson?"

 The man asked, "Y...yeah?" Neo answered, "I need you to check your mailbox before you leave and take what is inside do you understand?" The man asked. "Yes. Of Course." Neo answered, "We'll be in touch." and then the dial tone that was it it was time to go and meet Morpheus.  Before he left he checked the small mail box every tenant had and inside was a phone he quickly tucked it away in his pocket and took of quickly hoping not to keep them waiting or to draw suspicion.

It was the middle of the night and dark out raining pouring as he headed to where he was supposed to go he reached the bridge and was greeted by headlights creeping upon him.  The car comes to a quick stop and the back door opened.  "Get in." said a voice he knew it was Trinity.  A large man drove for them while he sat in the back their was a butch woman pointing a gun at him this was more intimidating than the interrogation he wished he was back there with that man. 

"What the hell is this?!" Neo exclaimed he didn't like having a gun pointed at him he barely knew these people what would they possibly think he'd be capable of doing to them. 

"It's necessary, Neo. For our protection." Trinity answered, "From what?" Neo questioned as he watched Trinity,

"From you." Trinity finished she pulled out a device lifting it up "Take off your shirt." The armed woman said he looked at the device then at her "What? Why?" Neo questioned he knew that was the wrong thing to ask soon after.  "Stop the car." The woman said and Neo was worried " Listen to me, coppertop! We don't have time for 'twenty questions.'Right now there is only one rule. Our way or the highway." The woman said sternly and Neo thought fuck it "Fine." Neo said opening the car door.  Trinity stopped him "Neo, please, you have to trust me." Trinity pleaded yeah right Neo thought she was the one who got him in this mess in the first place. "Why?" Neo asked giving her a chance. "Because you've been down there, Neo. You already know that road. You know exactly where it ends." Trinity answered. 

Neo watched the rain pouring against the dark street "And I know that's not where you want to be." Trinity explained and Neo reluctantly shut the car door. Neo hesitated but he knew he had to do it he promised the guy he would and how would he be able to if he didn't do what they said so he removed his shirt pulling it over his head.  

"Lie back." Trinity said and Neo started to figure out what she was planning to do. Lie back Neo thought the instruction was exactly what that man had given to him he knew just as much about him then he did about the people he was in the company of and Neo didn't even know his name. Neo did as he was asked and Trinity positioned the device it seemed to be made of glass and a suction device "What is this thing?" Neo asked trying to sound clueless but he caught on already. "We think you're bugged. Try to relax." Trinity said and Neo already knew about the bug he knew he had one he had agreed to it. 

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