Agent Smith (Chapter Five)

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They returned to HOTEL LAFAYETTE light filtered down the throat of the building through a caged skylight at the top of the open elevator shaft. Six figures glide up the dark stairs that wind around the antique elevator. Neo notices a black cat, a yellow-green-eyed shadow that slinks past them and pads quickly down the stairs. A moment later, Neo sees another black cat that looks and moves identically to the first one. "Whoa. Deja vu." Neo said Those words stop the others dead in their tracks. The monitors suddenly glitch as though the Matrix had an electronic seizure. "Oh shit! Oh shit!" Tank said but no one could hear him outside The Matrix. Trinity turns around, her face tight. "What did you just say?" Trinity asked.

"Nothing. Just had a little Deja Vu." Neo explained why were they acting so weird. "What happened? What did you see?" Trinity implored. "A black cat went past us and then I saw another that looked just like it," Neo answered. "How much like it? Was it the same cat? Trinity asked "It might have been. I'm not sure" Neo exclaimed. "Trinity looks at Morpheus who listens quietly to the rasping breath of the old building.

"What is it?" Neo asked "A deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something." Trinity explained. 

Morpheus looks up the stairs as he hears a Helicopter.  

"Come on!" Morpheus commanded Apoc slaps a gun into Neo's hand. Neo nods, stuffing it into his belt. Flying downstairs, Morpheus stops, hearing police swarming below. He turns and rushes down the hall of the eighth floor. At the end of it, he finds the bricked-up windows they kept running. Several cops sweep through the room. It is empty. As they pass the bathroom, we see a man-sized hole smashed through the plaster and lath. They are inside the main plumbing wall, slowly working their way down the grease-black stack pipes. Above them, light fills the hole they made to get inside. Agent Brown and Agent Smith stand over  Morpheus's jacket. The cops search in silence, straining for a clue when one hears something strange near the bathroom. Cypher has slipped and is wedged between the wall and several thick supply pipes. Neo secretly praised Cypher in his head sure an accident but it left them exposed. The Cop leans in his ear almost against the thin membrane of plaster separating them. He can hear The wall suddenly bulges, shatter-cracking as the Coprealizes. 

"They're in the walls!" The cop yelled and Neo smirked to himself.  Trinity pulls Cypher free just as the Cop opens fire. Bullets began punching shafts of light like knives into the closed-off space Neo reached for his gun pretending to struggle. "Shit!" He yelled as the gun fell to the bottom.  Was that convincing he didn't know but nonetheless he was now unarmed. But Apoc was armed and became firing in response.  The Cop spins out of the bathroom for cover, Apoc's bullets splintering the door jamb 

. About to whirl back in, he freezes as something seems to seize hold of him. The Cop's body starts to spasm and his M-16 falls to the ground, long shadows springing up from the mounted flashlight. Neo listens for a moment, the gunfire quiet, when he hears footsteps.  Two arms suddenly smash through the wall, punching Morpheus back against the iron stack pipe, fingers gouging into his neck.  Neo thought this is his chance to get away from them Just as Morpheus's throat is about to collapse, Neo explodes through the tattered plaster and lath, diving on top of Agent Smith. 

The two men crash to the wet terrazzo floor. Before Neo could think The Agent had him trapped wait this was the same guy Neo thought.  In the crawlspace, Trinity tries to scramble up past cypher.  "Neo!" Trinity screamed and Neo reveled in it he was finally free. The Agent had Neo pinned but seemed to give him a look that said what he didn't and Neo knew he had to play along. The Agent squeezed his throat and Neo struggled to speak The Agent gave him slight leeway.  "Trinity, you must get Morpheus out. Do you understand? He is all that matters." Neo managed to get out. Morpheus suddenly glimpses what is happening but is powerless to stop it.

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