Agent Anderson (Chapter Seven)

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× Short Sex Scene In This Chapter. ×

Neo was happy actually happy with this he thought he might actually feel bad about everything but he didn't he felt at peace with his decision, in the end, he never betrayed anyone he was loyal to smith, and loyalty was rewarded he laid back against the desk it wasn't the most comfortable and he didn't like that he alone was naked perhaps he was worried of getting caught but what would they think if they saw Neo naked how would he explain that.

Neo whimpered under the affection being placed on him the kisses and roughness it certainly wasn't the main event by any means but it felt perfect even expectations he had gone out the window nothing could compare to what was happening right now he wondered if this was Smith's first time if he had ever with anyone before another agent perhaps isn't that what he was now just another agent in the system he was human but that wouldn't always be the case if he proved himself to the machines in the next life they would be together. 

Neo looked up at Smith "Is this okay?" Neo asked and Smith replied with a kiss and with the first thrust Neo laid back and assumed the answer was yes and then another thrust into him he gasped he couldn't see Morpheus at this position but he imagine he was devoid of all hope now and at this point, he didn't care anymore all he needed was right here pure pleasure.

Smith wasn't very vocal but he was breathy and sweaty and clearly putting his all into it and Neo decided he wasn't going to be quiet he wanted Smith to know he liked it and Morpheus would have to hear every second of it. Smith had established a steady rhythm and Neo pressed their foreheads together sharing breath. 

"Fuck." Neo moaned and gasped and he couldn't hear Morpheus or anyone it was just them at this moment. Smith sounded close he released a moan that surprised Neo but he welcomed it and he knew he was close to the end himself.  "Neo" Smith moaned and Neo gasped as he came hearing Smith use that name and felt Smith do the same. Neo was breathing heavily "I...I love you." Neo let out and Smiths' eyes widened with surprise kissing Neo in response. 

"He's not capable of love Neo turn back turn back while there is still hope," Morpheus begged.

Smith fixed himself and Neo fetched his own clothes in post-orgasmic bliss.  "I don't care," Neo responded and Smith was happy with this.

"Noone knows that we have the information however we need to get you back formally back into The Matrix." Smith said and "We need to decide what we do with Morpheus," Smith said and Neo wrapped his arms around Smith from behind and pressed his head against his back. "You know I met what I said." Neo said, "I know." Smith answered he allowed the embrace to happen Smith had invested so much time into Neo and what they had just done "the mating." was pleasurable enjoyable he could see himself living like this with who was now Agent Anderson. 

"Agent Anderson, you decide what and how we deal with Morpheus." Smith said and Neo smiled saying "Gladly Agent Smith."

Agent Anderson? ( The Matrix AU)Where stories live. Discover now