Betrayal (Chapter Six)

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×Minor Sexual Stuff In This Chapter Kissing, Foreplay Etc. ×

Neo sat he knew the plan the cuffs weren't even close to being tight enough to hold him there he held a disclosed syringe in his hand and Brown and Jones were waiting hidden and Smith was in the details then suddenly there was a commotion very loud what he could tell was gunfire even though they were rather high up whatever was going on felt like it was closer and closer to him with each passing moment Neo knew this was it the end of the line for him and Morpheus he knew he'd come and from the sounds of it he wasn't alone he didn't know who was with him they were obviously capable of taking out the lower levels.

He knew they were close so he faced his head down and his eyes shut and tried to slow his breathing down to a minimum look worn out. Another loud sound went off they were inside now they were on this floor there was rapid gunfire and then it was silent. The door burst open "Neo!?" It was Morpheus and then he heard Trinity so she survived whatever the informant had managed to accomplish. "Morpheus he's over here," Trinity said as he kept his head down as he felt her check his pulse. "He's alive we gotta get moving they'll be back," Trinity said as she started to move to help him there was gunfire two shots were fired and Trinity hit the ground. "Trinity!" Morpheus screamed he went to grab Neo but felt a sting something had bitten him no it was a needle sticking out from his skin. 

"What?" Morpheus exclaimed as he was losing his balance and he hit the floor Morpheus tried to move but he couldn't move.  Neo stood above him "R..un." Morpheus said sleep taking him he still didn't get it.

Morpheus stirred in the same chair Neo was once in as he awoke he was sweating hooked up to several monitors. Beside him, Agent Brown sucks a serum from a glass vial, filling a hypodermic needle. "What have you done with Neo," Morpheus said and Agent Smith smirked "The Great Morpheus, we meet at last," Smith said as Agent Brown jams the needle into Morpheus's shoulder and plunges down. Morpheus grunted in pain and Agent Brown watched as the life signs reacted to the injection. "Where is he," Morpheus asked again. "Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost." Smith said and Morpheus seemed to lose color as he looked to see Trinity unmoving. 

"Don't you see Morpheus you have failed your time is up the future is our world Morpheus the future is our time," Smith told him as he sat there helpless. 

"Up the dosage," Smith ordered and Brown did just that he didn't want to kill him not till he got what he wanted.  "I will break you Morpheus," Smith said as Neo entered being guided by Jones once again handcuffed and placed in a chair opposite Morpheus.  

Neo sat as Brown filled another syringe and Smiths' words flashed in his head words they had shared privately "Are you willing to suffer for me to feel pain for me." Neo knew the answer as he felt the injection against his neck he cringed it hurt like a bitch Neo knew what was next he knew his role.

"Morpheus your friend here Mr. Anderson the one you call Neo well he is of no use to us, in fact, the only thing he is useful for is to you to your resistance however I knew you'd be a tough nut to crack and I am running short on time here so here's the short version the injection he has just received is different then yours his is a toxin this toxin will light every nerve in his body up causing unimaginable pain and death, he will suffer a horrifying end," Smith said and Morpheus's face was something he wishes he could save forever the man was at the end of his rope.  "However if we were to receive the information we desire then perhaps Mr. Anderson could partake in another injection a cure," Smith said and Neo started sweating as he gasped and tossed against the chair the handcuffs tight against his skin as he screamed and screamed Morpheus tried to look away.  

"Are you willing to suffer for me to feel pain for me." played once again in Neo's head his response "Anything." 

Morpheus had tears in his eyes he looked disgusted "Okay." Morpheus said and Smith smirked, "What was that?" Smith asked he looked truly satisfied. "I'll tell you, I'll give you what you want just don't kill him please he's my only hope now," Morpheus answered and Smith nodded to Brown and Morpheus watched as Brown drew something up and sat still.

"Start talking your running out of time," Smith spoke and Morpheus opened to speak and Neo seemed complete still almost dead almost asleep. Neo was awoken by the next injection that released his body from the awful pain. Jones and Brown had left and Trinity's body was gone all that remained was the bloodstain on the floor and Morpheus sat still across from him. "Neo! are you alright," Morpheus said sobbing as he did so he sold out everyone he knew for Neo for who he believed was the one. Smith approached Neo "Don't you touch him." Morpheus said and Neo answered, "I've never felt better." Smith moved to undo Neo's handcuffs and Morpheus looked shocked confused. "Are? Are you letting us go?" Morpheus asked and Neo stood up carefully clearly in pain. "Neo, Neo doesn't want to go anywhere and you well we have so much more planned for you isn't that right Agent Anderson?" Smith asked and Morpheus looked the telltale look the feeling as though one has been stabbed through the heart. "No.No." Morpheus managed to say and Smith answered "Yes." Smith leaned into Neo and kissed him and Neo was happy to oblige him in reciprocating the kiss a fire lit inside of him for the first time.

"Neo." Morpheus said his heart sinking as he watched Neo repeat the action over and over again an action to human for an agent. "More." Neo gasped and Smith was new to it but loved the enthusiasm he could guess how this would work. Smith attacked Neo's neck he was rough in this regard and Neo wondered how this would go certainly not soft and gentle Smith pushed him down onto a desk Smith pulled his legs around his waist and Neo was in heaven in The Matrix where he belonged Anderson and Smith. 

"Agent Anderson?" Smith asked and Neo looked up to meet his gaze as Smith removed his glasses. "Do you want him to watch?" Neo realized Morpheus was here he could see everything "We could always get rid of him right now." Smith replied and Neo thought for a moment.

"Yes," Neo said biting his lip with anticipation as he watched Smith  and answered, "It'll be fun I want him to see." Neo answered and Smith chuckled "I hope you enjoy this Morpheus." Smith said as Neo was soon naked before him. 

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