Anderson and Smith (Chapter Eight)

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x Warning: Sexual Themes, Foreplay, Minor Pre Blowjob Stuff (Don't like don't read)

Neo was ready for this whatever he chose it was his choice what was done with Morpheus it was up to him he had proven himself worthy of being by Smiths' side he had earned his love or like Morpheus said whatever affection he was able to give him he would gladly accept. This was his life now.

"Make him an agent, do whatever you have to do to make it so to Morpheus that would be a fate worse than death. " Neo spoke and Smith okayed it and Jones and Brown escorted Morpheus away.  "I'm a good influence on you," Smith said and they were alone.  Neo nodded and said, "I learned from the best but I gotta say I think I am influencing you too." Neo said and Smith gave a small smile "Agent Anderson would you rather me call you Neo?" Smith asked and Neo was taken back by this did he want to call him Neo.  "If you want yeah I would like that," Neo answered. 

"Now that your an agent Neo we should make you look like one," Smith said and they were off to get Neo some more appropriate attire they browsed suits around the store looking through ties they could always go to a tailor but they just needed uniformed green some nice shades Neo's current haircut would manage wasn't too long or too short but the clothes were sufficient he wasn't a true agent yet so comfort mattered for Neo as opposed to passing as a human which is what Smith did.

"This will do for now," Smith said and they were off again packed into a Black Sudan but they didn't go back to HQ they went somewhere else a place Neo didn't know it was a nicer more upper-class apartment building Neo noticed the sort of people that were leaving they all seemed important but also self-absorbed which Neo found ironic as they were living in a simulated world and they didn't matter more than anyone else in it they were just another battery they weren't programs like Agents they weren't special.  But Smith had finished parking and opened his side of the car's door and started carrying the bags of clothing and went into the front door to which Neo was greeted to a lobby the floor was black and green marble and there were black supporting beams that led to a large crystal skylight overhead there was chatter and people bustling through the lobby as well as people staying to listen to a variety of classical musicians that filled the lobby with beautiful music and though it was all shallow and superficial it made Neo happy they headed to an elevator and it opened it was empty and Smith clicked the sixth floor the sixth out of twelve. 

The doors shut "I didn't think you had a place of your own I didn't think you needed one." Neo said and Smith took it in "Think of what you would've considered a program before without sentience a program can't run all the time can it sometimes it crashes, needs and update a newer more efficient model comes out anything can happen so that's how agents can also work everything needs rest every now and then." Smith finished and Neo had never thought about it. 

"I think your the most efficient you can't be replaced," Neo added and Smith seemed to smile. "Thank You." Smith said and the doors opened as Smith turned down a hallway and Neo followed and finally they made it to a door "622" it read and there was a doorbell and Smith unlocked the door and it was a medium-sized apartment and the first thing Neo noticed was a cat his cat.  "You...You got my cat." Neo said and Smith nodded "Yeah, I broke  into your apartment when you were with Morpheus's crew and I found it there I figured you'd want it." Smith answered and Neo was glad to be reunited with his pet though he knew Morpheus would say 'It's not real it doesn't matter."  I didn't know what it ate so I fed it this." Smith showed him the Tuna Cans on the counter.  

"It's not what is usually on the menu but it isn't bad cats love fish." Neo said and Smith said, "I hope she doesn't get in trouble with Boris." Smith said and Neo was confused "What's Boris?" Neo asked and Smith waved for Neo to follow him and then they were in a small office and in a container was a Tarantula.  "Oh, a spider,"  Neo said and Smith said it was the only thing whose companionship interested him at the time. "Oh, well until I met you." Smith added and Neo blushed. 

"I'm going to change you can look around," Smith said and Neo said okay as Smith walked to the end of the hall and shut the door.  Though the apartment seemed normal enough it had noticeable differences there weren't any pictures of friends or family but there was a picture frame faced down by the window and Neo approached it picking it up he saw a familiar woman with an even more familiar man it was Smith and The Oracle and Neo was shocked confused he didn't understand how did Smith have this how did he know her.  He went to put it back down but Smith caught him. 

"What are you doing?" Smith asked and Neo gasped and said "Oh, Nothing I just I shouldn't have snooped here." Neo said handing it over he was shocked by Smith's appearance he looked so normal so human 

Smith took the photo from him and explained "I don't hide anything from my partners and that that woman is my mother she created me special made me different from other agents made me human-like as you may have already noticed and Neo nodded and l...

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Smith took the photo from him and explained "I don't hide anything from my partners and that that woman is my mother she created me special made me different from other agents made me human-like as you may have already noticed and Neo nodded and later they sat on the couch Neo watching TV and Smith more focused on the paperwork in his lap and Neo laid his head on Smith's shoulder. "I love you, smith." Neo said and Smith responded simply "I Know." another I know Neo though it broke his heart a bit "Can't you say it back?" Neo asked and Smith answered "Maybe, but I can definitely show you." Smith said and suddenly he was on top of the younger human male his lips on his bringing them together tightly pressed together this action quickly aroused Neo.  "W..wait," Neo said and Smith stopped. "I wanna I wanna be the one I want to do this to you," Neo explained and Smith caught on "You wanna switch places," Smith said and Neo nodded Smith pulled Neo up by the hand and they were facing each other as Neo dropped to his knees beginning to unbuckle Smith's pants and looked up at Smith adoration in his eyes "I wanna do good, I want you to feel good I want this to be perfect." Neo said and Smith smiled a genuine smile "Anything you do will be perfection because you Neo are perfection." Smith said and that was the first time someone truly said anything nice to Neo and met it and Neo pulled Smiths' pants down and hooked his fingers into the shorts and quickly wrapped his mouth around him he was going to make sure the only name smith would know by the end of this was his. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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