02. Byun Baekhyun

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My body froze, like ice has crawled its way across the floor and up my body, pinning me in place. The air became tight and constricting, not having any alcohol in my system made my panic claw it way back up my throat and force its way out. 

The elevator finally opened, three gorgeous men in different colour suits exited. They were all around the same height, compared to me any height is tall, I'm very short. Their presence was not small at all, they carry as sense of power and royalty to them. As they make their way over to the others, Yixing starts to fill me in. 

"The one on the left is Kim Minseok," his ebony hair falls down his forehead, slightly parted in the middle, his dragon eyes look as magical as ever. He wears a black turtle neck under his white suit. His smooth and silky skin glisten in the lights, his petite lips the perfect pink shade.

"He may look like he could kill in one swift movement and continue on with his day, but he's actually pretty sweet, plus he's the only one that can keep Baekhyun in line." He whispered the last part but is still heard him. Baekhyun?

"On the right is Do Kyungsoo," His short dark hair was slight swept upwards, his black brimmed glasses sat just right against his chocolate swirls for eyes. His darker complexion complimented the chocolate brown accents on his black suit, the black turtleneck underneath made him look dapper. "He will literally hit if you look at him the wrong way, he's very scary. He does care for the ones he holds close though."

And finally the last and most powerful of all.

"That is Byun Baekhyun, our fearless leader." His caramel highlights and sepia brown hair is swiftly styled to the right, his inky black eyes sparkled like light on obsidian. His pouty plump lip were a pale pink, his tongue left his mouth to graze over his lips. Well, that was hot.

He could stab me and I'd say thank you at this point. His baby blue suit was a great compliment to his smooth honey complexion. "Don't piss him off, especially if you want to work here still." 


His obsidian eyes met my amber ones, snapping me back to reality. I hastily move to not be under his gaze, however; my clumsiness resulted in me knocking over the vodka bottle I didn't put back in its spot yet. The shatter of glass caught Mr. Eye Candy's eyes, along with all the other boys.

"Shit." I curse under my breath, learning down to not only pick up the glass shards that are scattered, but to hide myself from everyone's intense gaze. Good job Chaeyeong, you were told to behave! Now look at you, smashing bottles!

The voice inside my head said, starting to be come louder, too loud that my hand slipped and the glass made a tiny slice in the middle of my palm. The sudden pain brought me back. My mind was then quickly taken over by the conversion coming from where Hajoon was sitting. 

"Just come home, Hajoon." The man pleaded. 

"No, Hangyeol. I'm not going to be the rag doll you push around anymore." My blood boiled.

"The black eye has gone down now, I promise I won't lay another hand on you. Please, please come home." He pleaded once again. My mind clouded, even with my eyes open I couldn't see what exactly was in front of me. 

The blood dripped from my fingers as I stood up, blotting the sticky floor below me . "Chaeyeong, Don't. Jongdae will take him out, don't do anything that could get you fired." 

Looking ahead I could see Jongdae already walking over to us, Chanyeol not to far behind. The sanity was starting to crawl back into my mind a vison, giving me at least a chance to calm down.

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