27. Metal on Metal

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"Ready to go, Bambi?" Baekhyun wrapped his fingers around my own as he guided me out of the street food tent that we have made a tradition to come to every Tuesday night.

It's been a week since I hung out with the girls and Baekhyun had to endure a painful and tortuous meeting with Dohwa. He plans to hold the engagement party in a month or so, he wanted the production and transport of his new super drug 'Hybrid' to be in action by that time. Baekhyun was able to buy us some time with having that plan roll out after the wedding has actually happened.

I take a quick over my shoulder and scan behind us. I have been intensely paranoid ever since my Sunday shift a couple days ago.

The night was booming a lot more with customers than we normally have for a Sunday evening, Yixing had stepped out for a bathroom break and to take the trash out. I was in the midst of making a few drinks for a couple businessman when a tall man with midnight hair that was half slicked back and wet-looking, approached the bar.

"What can I get you?" I ask the new comer, handing over the drinks I just made.

"Blueberry vodka sour." He says as he learns closer on the bar. I turn to look at him, not many people order that drink and it's not commonly sold at bar's to begin with. I didn't even know about the drink until Taeyong introduced me to it.


"I.D?" I eye the man to which he calmly hands over the past I card. Jeong Jaehyun. Not a Lee, that's a good sign.

I hand back his I.D and start to prepare his drink. "Taeyong sent me." He says quickly as I slide his drink in front of him.

"Who are you to him?" I take the bills he placed on the counter. He takes a sip of his drink before speaking again.

"I'm not with the Lee's." He confirmed my thoughts from before . "I can't tell you too much, but Taeyong sent me to warn you."

"About what?" Taeyong did mention something was in the works and that he couldn't tell me about it just yet, something about this man tells me to trust him.

"Your sweet step-sister has been up to no good. She hired a hit to be taking out on you, I don't know when or who, just be on the look out."

Yixing came back from his business, drawing my attention and when I turn back to talk more with Jaehyun, he was gone. Baekhyun informed me not to worry too much as they will be keeping a good lookout. I still couldn't help but be paranoid every time some looked at us for a little too long.

Nearly every car that had blackout windows looked suspicious to me, if someone was overly nice to me or if someone walked to close to us. Baekhyun squeezed my hand as he leads me to his car, his gentle reminder that everything is okay.

"I promise I wont let anything happen to you." He presses a soft kiss to my forehead before starting his car and leaving the street parking. I take a quick look out the side mirror, a shiny black pick up truck with the darkest tint pulls out after us. I tell myself to stop worrying abut every little thing, someone could have just left at the same at us, I can't live my every moment in fear waiting for this hit to come.

I wasn't necessarily scared for myself, I was scared that Baekhyun or one of the other guys would end up at the wrong place at the wrong time and would end up hurt from my own family drama. 

Baekhyun's hand lightly caressed my clothed thigh as we drove down the busy road of Seoul. The black pick up truck was starting to gain distance on Baekhyun's car, leaving no gap between us. My heart beat was starting to thunder in my chest, the pounding reaching my ears as my anxiety increased. Baekhyun seemed to notice as he took his hand slowly of my knee and tightly gripped the string wheel, turning his knuckles white.

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