09. Mistake

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A black soulless abyss stared at me, swirls of amber and utter boredom were laced in the eyes of the girl whose face stares back at me through the reflection of my smart watch.

I was bored. So, so bored.

Yesterday Junmyeon kitted me up with my very own shiny smart watch, "It imperative that you don't take it off." He used his dad voice on me as he strapped it to my wrist. "It will let you in to certain places that are normal restricted to mundanes."

"Mundane? Really?" I laughed at his peculiar style of talking.

"What? I couldn't think of another word." I was glad that Junmyeon didn't look at me any differently, I don't know what I would do if I lost another ally. "It will also unlock some very special compartments that you may or may not need." He also strapped me up with my one radio, one thing I have learned is those boy use that radio for the most random conversations I've ever heard.

"Does anyone else think that this man is wearing a Toupee?" Jongin would question from the poker room.

"Forget the toupee have you seen those atrocious cowboy boots he's wearing?" Minseok would reply from the other side of the room.

"Roger dodger, big bird, we have a group of tough guys walking into dance floor, keep eyes out for their very embarrassing moments. Krrrrrchhh." Jongdae would literally make the radio static noise with his mouth.

Sehun and Chanyeol kept their radio chat to a bare minimum, only communication a few words here and there. I tried to approach Sehun with his favourite drink but he mumbled a quick 'thank you' before walking away.

Baekhyun waited for me at the bar so I could close up and he could drive us home. I laid in his spare bed for the rest of the morning, sleep at the very back of my mind. Around 6:30am I decided I couldn't spend anymore time laying in this ridiculously soft bed, I decided to throw on the plain black hoodie that Baekhyun left to me when we got home.

I entered my old apartment as quiet as I could and decided to start packing up all my stuff into boxes that I had stored under my bed, from the day I moved in.

It was bitter sweet, the day I moved in with Yixing was one of the best days of my life. I never meant for harm to come to Yixing, but I understand now it was more harmful that I would have been collateral because of his career choice.

As I was pulling down my clothes and throwing them into a box I would pick out all of Yixing clothes and fold them neatly, they were his after all. All of the furniture was his so I didn't need to take any of that, I didn't have many belonging to begin with.

Lastly I grabbed my photo frame of my dad and I. The photo was taken on my 11th birthday, My mum made us blueberry pancakes, using the blueberries as smiley face. She always knew how to make the perfect swirl of whipped cream on top, which only encouraged my father to swipe some of his own whip cream onto my nose, me mimicking of course.

By the time I was finished packing it was only 9:30am, I was fishing out my phone to call Junmyeon to help me but a knock at the door, stopped me.

Baekhyun stood at the door, ready to take my boxes down for me, we didn't speak much. Around noon I finally found sleep after unpacking, its only now that I lay bored out of my god damn mind at 9pm.

Baekhyun enforced his rules of no drinking anymore and no more going to the club on my days off. He says it for protection and safety, I think he just doesn't want me around all the mafia stuff.

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