24. Invitaions and Deceptions

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"You shouldn't have snuck up on me! It's a natural reaction!" Taeyong gripped his now hurt throat, slightly coughing.

"What's a natural reaction? Karate chopping people in the throat?!" He exclaimed loudly.

"Well I could have punch you in the nose but, at least this way didn't hurt my hand." I shrug off his uncomfortableness.

He opened his mouth to obviously cuss me out, however both our attentions were caught by the two standing not to far away from us. "I see you two still bicker like children, nothing has changed much." Lee Dohwa stood at the entrance of his office door, arms linked behind his back.

"Don't you have a fiancée?" Siwoo moved in front of her father crossing her arms sassily in front of her body. "I'm sure he'd love to know you're shacking up with him."

"Pipe down, Princess. I'm not trying to steal your Taeyong." I retaliated back to the entitled girl, taking a step away from Taeyong who was still holding his throat. This created a look of distaste on Dohwa's face.

"Honey, why you go wait in the car for me, I'd like to talk to your sister before we go." The use of the word sister caused both of us to roll our eyes. Siwoo shook her head before making her way down the stairs and out the door

Dohwa gave Taeyong and quick nod of his, signalling him to give us some privacy. Taeyong swayed on his feet with hesitation before giving a nod back and disappearing down the hall towards my mothers room.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I cut to the chase, not wanting to waste anymore time here.

"Well, since you and you fiancée left so abruptly at the last event," Dohwa kissed his teeth and he made slow steps towards me, not intimidated me one bit. "We do need to keep up appearances which means we will be holding another engagement party, where you will be attending the whole night."

"I will tell Baekhyun of the news." I try my hardest to cut the conversation short. Obviously not hard enough

"Oh no need, Mark has sent word to his assistant, informing him of a meeting tomorrow where we will discuss all the tiny details." I internally cringed at the word assistant used for Junmyeon, that man literally ran 'Exo' for two years while Baekhyun was away on business.

"Well, if that's all there is discuss I will be getting back to mother." I turn to walk away but of course he had to get one last jab in.

"Remember who's side you are on, Chaeyeong." He said lowly with an alarming tone before he followed the same path as Siwoo.

I suddenly remember why I left the room and rush to get a glass of water. When I entered back into the room I didn't expect to see Taeyong standing by the large floor-to-ceiling window, looking back at my mother who seemed to be back in her dissociated state.

I placed the glass on the side table and sat down next to her, grabbing her chilly hands into my own. Hating myself even more for getting myself caught up outside and not getting back in time to hear what she had to say after being mute for so long. She's remained the same every time I visited, this time was different and I'm determined to get her back somehow.

"I was so jealous of you." Taeyong finally spoke up from the window seat, causing me to turn around and look at him.


"My mother was never present in my life, she was a drunk and a addict. I would spend cold nights looking for her just to find her past out by a dumpster, to drunk to stand. She hated my drop-kick of a step father but stayed for the money and drugs, only to start enjoying giving me beatings. Somehow I think that did more damage than it should have."

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