06. Lee Estate

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All the customers were gone and the bar was all wiped and cleaned, I was counting the money when I told Jongdae it's okay for him to leave. He refused at first but when I told him I had a ride home he felt better. He's known me for two years and still can't tell when I'm lying?

I was doing a quick sweep of the bar around 5 o'clock, making sure I didn't forgot to do anything and the place looked immaculate. I counted the money in the till at least six times, not drinking at work was making it a little harder to stay focused. Everyone had left, the place was dead quite and yet there was a slight ring to my ears, I shake my head a few times before reaching down to tie my shoe lace before I leave. 

The sounds of the elevator drew my attention as a huffing and puffing Baekhyun walked out of it, clutching his side and using anything to stable him out. My body reacted before my mind could even process what was happen.

I rush to Baekhyun's side, throwing his right arm over my shoulder, blood covered both hands and started to drip onto the floor. "What the hell happened to you?" I question him as I take his shirt hem in my hands and pulling it up slightly.

"I got stabbed...obviously." I frown at his remark, even injured he still manages to be a dick.

"Stay here," I say to him as I sit him down onto chair, him slightly groaning as he moved. "I'll be right back."

I make tracts back to the bar, grabbing a bottle of alcohol and the first aid kit. I grab a few hand clothes and wet them, leaving one dry; I make my way back to Baekhyun who has beads of sweating lining his forehead and chin. 

"Are you going to clean me up?" He questions rather harshly.

"Would you rather bleed out and die?" He keeps his mouth shut at my question and starts to unbutton his shirt all the way so I can get better access to his wound. 

My mind was slightly distracted by his washboard abs that I wasn't expecting. I lean down on my knees and start to clean the gash on his side with a damp rag as my teeth and my other hand work in sync to take the cap off the alcohol bottle. 

After I cleaned enough blood from the site, I pour alcohol over the wound. Baekhyun hissing at natural antiseptic hitting his open skin. 

"I'm going to have to stitch it closed. Any higher and you would have died." He nods at me, telling me to go on with the procedure. As I was grabbing the needle and thread from the first aid kit I noticed the amount of Baekhyun's blood that covered my own hands. 

The memory of younger me flicked into my head and caused my hands to shake, making it really difficult to manoeuvre the thread. 

"Hey," Baekhyun grabbed my bloody hands with his own. "You can do this, just breath." Following his instructions I felt all the tension release from my body and my hands started to stable out.

Baekhyun hissed and bite his lip every time the needle went through his skin. I can't blame him, being stitched up with no numbing can hurt like a bitch.

About half way through, Baekhyun gripped on my shoulder, squeezing every time he felt pain. I was able to stitch him up quiet nicely, go me. 

I wipe the area with another damp rag and then dry the site. I place a large bandage over the wound and moved to clean up the mess.  After Baekhyun buttoned his shirt back up, he proceed to help me with the cleaning up. 

"Grab you stuff, I'll take you home." I quickly nod, grabbing my stuff and meeting him at the elevator. "Oh and Thank you, Chaeyeong."

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