15. Nothing but the Truth

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The pin drop silence created a tension so thick I don't think you could slash a knife through it. Having enough of Baekhyun's eye boring into my soul I made for the plush couch in the living room, leaning my elbows on to my thighs and running my fingers through my hair.

I didn't even mean to blurt it out, it just happened. I couldn't take having to tip-toe around my own words anymore, having to make sure I kept my lies in order and didn't say anything that could be a slip up. I just couldn't keep lying to everyone.

Shuffling and footsteps float through the quiet living room, someone flops down onto the chaise to my right while someone stand in front of me. "Here," Chanyeol offered me a mug that he had his fingers wrapped around. "It's warm milk."

Part of me stifles a laugh and a smile, not only because he knows I like warm milk when I'm upset but also that he used Baekhyun's coffee mug. Something he'd never let me use if we weren't in this type of situation

My hands warm as they wrap around the clear coffee mug, Chanyeol moved to sit next to me while Baekhyun takes his seat on the coffee table directly in front of me. Forearms braced on his knees, "What do you mean by 'you're not a Lee'?"

Time to be completely honest, no more lying.

After taking a swig of the warm milk in my hands I finally open my mouth. "Lee Dohwa is not my real father, I'm not related to him in any way, shape or form."

"So you've been lying to us more than once?" Baekhyun interrupted, the deep onyx eyes that normally reflected starlight and now gone and lost in the abyss.

"If you keep interrupting me, you'll never know." I spit back to him. He runs a hand over his face in defeat and motions me to go on. "Long story short, my real father died when I was 11, Dohwa took my mother and I in. My real name is Eun Chaeyeong."

I continue once I notice they are all still listening. "My father was apart of the Special Operations Task Force, he tried to tell me he was just a simple cop, but I knew better than that. My mother was the best Neurosurgeon in Seoul. Lee Dohwa was my dads best friend since they were kids, they were inseparable." They share a look between each other.

"My mother decided to marry Dohwa, she always told me it was better this way, that he can take of us. What a load of bullshit that was." I place the mug down on the coffee table next to Baekhyun, no longer feeling any sort of appetite. "And so we became the Lee's. Dohwa has a daughter to a previous marriage and she was the devil growing up."

"Lee Dohwa is the CEO of Lee Pharmaceuticals, and the Head of the Lee Gang. He only hires people with the Surname Lee, bit weird but I digress. He was and still is horrible to both my mother and I, she's now a mute and has to be looked after by a nurse 24/7, all because I was too selfish and wanted to escape."

The tears started to well up in my eyes as the vivid and painful memories hazed my mind. "I had no ill intention that night I walked into 'Exo Planet' and met most of you. I didn't even think I'd ever be back with the situation I was in." Chanyeol's large hand made it way to my shoulder, slowly rubbing circles.

"I finally left that hell hole four years ago with the intention of never speaking to any of them ever again. But I got comfortable, found friends and a place I wanted to stay put in longer than six months. They found me again and used my mother as bait once again." Sehun leaned forward, listening intently.

"I didn't want to lie, I hate lying but my guilt started to eat away me. I want to get my mother away from the horrendous man. That night at the Lee Estate, I didn't expect you to be there or to be roped into any scheme that Dohwa was planning, I can't keep running, I have to do something to get her out of there."

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