25. Unraveling

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" –but we just call her Ningning." Where have I heard that name before? I searched every crevice of my brain for any memory that held that name amongst it. It didn't take long for me to remember the conversation I had with Matthew, he informed me that his supply was coming from a girl named Ningning.

It make sense that she would use a second name, if she's is friends with Minjeong and Jimin then there is a chance that they are all involved in this scheme. Are they part of the Lee Gang? Or are they just runners? So many questions ran through my head that I completely forgot I was meant to be present in this conversation.

"I love the nicknames! Do you girls also have one?" I question both Jimin and Minjeong while sipping on my water.

"We do!" Jimin answered excitedly. "Mine is Karina while Minjeong's in Winter." They give up the information so easily. Too easily?

"What about me? What nickname would you give me?" I ask playing into the way they talk and communication, showing no signs I was trying to get information or keep them closer than usual.

They all thought about it for a solid minute before Ningning spoke up. "I'd go with Luna. You work at a bar, so you're always up at night time when he moon is out."

Her explanation was sweet and made a lot of sense, it's hard to believe this girl is doing dirty work for the Lee gang.

The giant 6 ft male with sea foam green scrubs covered by a denim jacket caught my attention as he looked around the club, like a lost puppy.

"It was lovely to meet all of you, I would love to catch up with all of you but right now I have to go meet someone." I give a friendly smile to the two girls I'm used to and the two new faces which they all returned.

"We will catch for lunch!" Jimin called out to me as they made there way to the dance floor while I made mine to the nurse.

"Looking for me?" I question as I make my way to the soft giant.

"Uh yeah, is there some place we can go that's a bit more quiet?" He asked as he wiped his hands on his scrub pants.

"Uh yeah just give me a second." I leave him for two seconds to inform Yixing that I will be in private room one, in case Baekhyun needs me.

Once we were in the small space of the private room and the pounding music was now muffled, I gestured for Lucas to take a seat across from me and once he did I bombarded him with questions.

"Is everything okay? Did something happen? How is she holding up? Do we need to go there right now?"

"Calm down, Chaeyeong." He nervously laughs and brushes off all my questions. "You told me to come find you if I ever wanted to know what happened to your mother."

Now it was all making sense, the curiosity has started to become an itch too big to scratch that when someone was prepared to give him the answered he couldn't say no any longer. The thought of Taeyong hiring this nurse to look after my mother made it a little easier to tell him the story.

"I planned to run away one night. The guy that I trusted with my whole heart betrayed me and told Dohwa everything, our whole plan and where our meeting spot was, he even told him about my plans to return and save my mother one day."

"Was it Taeyong?" I gave him a questions look. "The guy you trusted?"

"No it wasn't, Taeyong is like a brother to me. It was Ten." He expression pulled back like he was trying to out the name to the face.

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