Chapter 2

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"Didn't know you were a early bird?" You jumped as you heard a voice behind you.

You turned around and saw Steve. Wearing jogging clothes. "You scared me." You chuckled.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to." Steve apologized.

"It's alright. And no. I'm not an early bird. I just have two annoying alarm clocks." You said.


"Oh yeah. I didn't tell you. I also have a parrot at home. Her name is Cece." You said.

"You do have loud alarm clocks." Steve said. Cooper barked and jumped up and down. Wanting attention as well. "Hey, Cooper." Steve bent down and scratched behind his ear and in return received a lovely wet kiss from Cooper. "Thanks bud." Steve chuckled and stood up.

"He likes you." You said.


"Yes. He's never really that friendly with anyone else." You said.

"I'm glad." Steve said.

You smiled at him, not knowing what to say. After the kiss and the talk that night, you were having butterflies whenever you thought about him.

You thoughts were disturbed when Cooper barked. "What's wrong, baby?" You asked. Cooper kept barking nonstop at a bush and tugged at the leash. "Whoa, Cooper." You said.

"Maybe he's barking at something in the bush." Steve said. "I'll go check." Steve walked towards the bush and examined it. Steve bent down and picked something and walked back towards you and Cooper. "It's a kitten. It looks like it's injured."

"Oh god." You said. "Can you hold him?" You hold out Cooper's leash to him.

Steve nodded and handed the injured kitten to you and held Cooper's leash.

"We need to take her to the vet." You said as you saw her injuries.

"Okay." I'll come with you." Steve offered.

"No. You don't have to." You said.

"It's fine." Steve said. "Plus you'll need help to handle this curious little guy." He gestured to Cooper who was trying to see what was in your hand.

"Okay." I know a place. Let's go." You said and craddled the kitten in your arms.


"She'll be okay, Y/N. Just a fractured leg and a few cuts." The doctor said.

'Thank you, Karen." You said and looked at the kitten who was purring as Steve softy caressed her head.

"Who'll be taking her?" Karen asked.

"I will." Both you and Steve said together.

"Okay. No problem. I can divide the kitten in half." Karen joked.

"I will take her with me." Steve said.

"Are you sure?" You asked. Steve nodded in response.

"Okay. Here's her file. The next appointment date is mentioned inside." She said and passed a file towards Steve.

"Sure." Steve said.

"Thank you for coming." Karen said as you both made your way out.

"So you know the doctor?" Steve asked.

"Yeah. She sometimes comes at the zoo to check the animals." You said. "She's also the doctor for Cooper and Cece and thanks for the help, Steve."

"It's alright." Steve said, handing you Cooper's leash. He was holding the kitten's basket and her file in his other hand.

"I should get going. Cece must be waiting for us" You said.

"It's okay. You can go home, Y/N." Steve said.

"Okay." You said. "So. I'll see you soon?"

"Soon." Steve said.

"Bye." You said and turned around and started walking.

"Wait." Steve shouted.

"What?" You asked.

"I forgot something." Steve said.

"Forgot wh-" You said but were cut off when Steve pressed his lips against yours and cupped your face with his free hand.

"This." Steve said as he pulled away.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

The Animal Lover ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now