Chapter 8

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"Stark. Can I use your phone for a minute?" Steve asked him.

"Uh, yeah. But why?" Tony asked.

"I want to call someone, make sure they're okay." He said.

"Okay. Here." Tony said, handing him his phone. "May I ask who it is?"

Steve sighed, "My girlfriend." Steve said as he dialed your number.

"Well, I hope she's okay." Tony said, "I'll leave you to talk." He said and walked away.

"Hello?" Steve said into the microphone.

"Steve? Are you okay?" Your worried voice asked.

"I'm fine." Steve said, "Just a few scratches here and there."

"I'm coming. I want to see you." You said.

"Y/N. Everything is a mess and the roads aren't safe. Stay where you are. I'll come to you." Steve said.

"Okay." You said. "I miss you, Steve."

"I miss you too, sweetheart." Steve said, "Where are you right now?"

"At a hotel outside New York. I'll text you the address." You said.

"Oh about that. I forgot my phone back on the ship. Just send it on this number." Steve said.

"Okay." You said, "You sure you're okay, Steve?"

"Yes, love." He said. "I'm coming now. Hmm?"

"Yeah. Sure." You said, "I love you."

"Love you too, Y/N." Steve said, "I'll be there soon."


You leapt on your feet when there was some knocking on the door. You opened the door and saw your handsome boyfriend standing outside. "Steve!" You hugged him tight.

"Hey, love. You okay?" Steve asked, holding you close.

"I'm fine." You said and let him in. "What about you?"

"I'm okay." Steve said.

"Don't lie to me, Steve. I know you better." You said.

Steve sighed, "I maybe a little hurt."

"How little?" You asked. You could see the small cuts on his face that were now healing.

Steve removed his jacket and showed you the bandage on his right arm. "This and a broken rib. And..." He trailed off.

"And what?" Steve lifted his shirt and you saw the bandage covering the wound on his stomach. "God, Steve. You're hurt." You said and tears left your eyes.

"Hey, hey. It's fine." Steve hugged you close. "I'm fine. They'll heal soon. Remember I heal faster, love."

"Still. You got hurt." You cried in his chest.

"It'll be okay. Doesn't even pain." Steve said, rubbing your back in soothing circles.

"What about your other friends? Are they okay?" You asked.

"Yeah. They're fine. All alive." Steve said, kissing your forehead.

"And what about that uh... Loki guy?"

"He's been arrested." Steve said, "Where's the gang?" Steve asked.

"All asleep." You said and motioned to the bed where Cooper and Mazie and fallen asleep and Cece in her small cage. "They got tired."

"I'm glad you guys are okay." Steve said and cupped your face in his hands. "I missed you so much." Steve leaned down and kissed you. Steve felt something move against his legs and pulled away. He looked down and saw Mazie meowing at him. "Hey there, Maze." He picked her up and kissed her head. "How are you?" He asked and chuckled as she nuzzled her head against his warm chest and purred at him. "I missed you too, sweetheart."

"Are you hungry? I can order room service if you want." You asked and stepped back, letting Steve and Mazie have their reunion.

"Yeah. Pizza?" Steve said.

"Sure." You said and suddenly a thought came to your mind. "Steve?"

"Yeah?" He asked his eyes still on Mazie as he petted her.

"W-What about the other animals? Was their any damage to the zoo?" You asked. "Oh God. What if they're hurt?" Tears ran down your face as you thought about your animals who were like your family to you.

Steve put Mazie down on the bed and came closer to you, "I don't know. But I can call and ask to check."

"Who will you call?" You asked.

"Stark." Steve said and fished the phone he borrowed from Tony.

"As in Tony Stark?" You asked.

"Yeah." Steve said and called Tony. The two men talked while on ordered some pizza for the two of some. "Yeah. Thanks, Stark." Steve ended the call and sat next to you. "Hey."

"What is it?"

"There was no harm. But the animals are a little scared. That's all." Steve said.

"Oh, thanks God." You sighed and leaned against Steve.

"I can take you if you want." Steve said.

"Ok." You said.

"And one more thing." Steve said.

"Now what?" You pulled away and asked.

"Your house uh... it's a little damaged so the whole building will have to be demolished and rebuilt."

"WHAT?!" You yelled. "No."

"Sorry, love. It was the first place I went to look at. Your is in a very good condition than the other ones." Steve said.

"What about yours?" You asked.

"Same." Steve said.

"What are we going to do then?"

"We'll see." Steve said. "For now I just want to stay with you." He smiled at you.

"Okay. I am happy you are safe." You said and pecked his lips.

Steve deepened the kiss and pushed you down on the bed. His tongue battled with yours for dominance. Hands roaming all your over your body. You moaned at the feeling of his hands on your body.

But the door bell rang, indicating that your room service "Fuck." Steve groaned and you giggled.

"I'll go get it." You said as you wiggled from under him.

Steve sighed and laid down on the bed. "This is not fair." He said, vocie a little muffled as his face was against the mattress.

"Don't worry, you can have me later." You put down the boxes and leaned down next to Steve's ear ans whispwered, "Howevee you want." Giving his neck a small kiss you stood back up, "Now come on. I'm hungry."

The Animal Lover ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now