Chapter 10

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Your fever had turned into flu the next morning as you sneezed and groaned. "It'll go away soon, love. Just relax."

"I'm fine. I need to go to work." You said and stood up.

"No." Steve shook his head, "You are going back to bed and rest."

"I can't, Steve." You whined, "Jojo needs me."

"Your colleagues can take care of him." Steve said.

"But-" You began but squealed as Steve threw you over his shoulder and took you to your bedroom and put you down on the bed and crawled on top of you.

"Stay, honey. Please." Steve said, "Or I won't hesitate to tie you to the bed."

"You would love that, won't you?" You smirked at him.

"I will do it if you don't listen to me, missy." Steve said, his voice stern and eyes dark. You just wanted him right then and there.

"Fine. I will stay. Just give me my phone so I can call my boss." You said.

"Okay." Steve said and went back to the living room and handed you your phone. You called him and told him you were taking a day off.

"You know what just take time off from work till the weekend. You're working none stop, Y/N. You deserve the leave." Your boss said.

"No, Tyler. It's fine." You said, "I'll come tomorrow."

"If I see you tomorrow I will fire your ass off." He said.

"I hate you." You groaned.

"Yeah, I know. But you work too much. No wonder your boyfriend has to drag you out everyday." Tyler said and chuckled.

"Don't blame me. The animals make me stay." You said. "You know how they are."

"Anyways, get some rest and get better." He said, "And do not show up at work tomorrow!"

"Yes, Tyler. I won't." You said.

"Okay, bye then." Tyler said and hung up.

"What did he say?" Steve asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I am off work till the weekend which is..." You groaned, "..... Three days."

"It's alright, love." Steve leaned down and kissed your forehead. "You want some soup?" He asked and covered you with the blanket as you put your phone down on the bedside table.

"Yeah." You said, cuddling under the blanket.

"I'll get you some meds as well." Steve said, "You're getting hot."

"I'm already hot." You said.

"Yes, I know that." Steve chuckled. "But you have to take the meds for getting extra hotter."

"Okay." You pouted at him as he got up. "I want to cuddle with you now."

"I will cuddle with you all you want, okay? Just let me bring the soup." Steve said.

"Okay." You whispered and pulled the blankets over your head as Steve left the room. The soft bedsheet and blanket were lulling you to sleep but you knew you had to eat something before you did that. A few minutes later, Steve came in with a bowl of hot soup. "What's our gang doing outside?"

"Singing, playing with each other. Same old thing. Here." Steve sat down next to you. "Take this and sleep. Okay?"

"Okay." You finish the soup and lay down in the bed and Steve came to sit next to you. "I want my cuddle buddy."

"You have him." Steve said. "Come here." He said and you cuddled with him.

"I can't sleep without you now." You said.

"Me too, baby." Steve said. "How about we move in after our apartments are done?"

"Yeah. I love that idea." You smile at him. "But whose house?"

"Yeah. We gotta discuss that." Steve sighed. "How about we get a new place? Together?"

"Yeah. That sounds nice." You said. "We can find a place."

"All of our furniture is gone though. We're gonna have to buy new things." Steve said.

"Mmhmm." You hummed, yawning loudly.

"Get some sleep, sweetheart." Steve said, rolling on his side so he could hold you closer.

"Okay. But please wake up in an hour." You said.

"Yup." He said, kissing your temple and pulling the sheets over your shoulder. "Get some sleep now, come on."

"Yes, sir." You murmur before closing your eyes and put your leg over Steve's waist, locking him in place so he won't leave.

The Animal Lover ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now