Chapter 6

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"I have to go." Steve said.

"What are you talking about, baby?" You asked, sitting down next to him.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. needs my help." Steve said, "They want me to work with them."

"What? I don't understand." You said.

"There's a guy called Loki. He's not from earth." Steve said and looked at you. A shocked and confused expression on your face, "I know, even I was confused but it is possible from what I've seen. He stole something called the 'Tesseract' from them. One agent is compromised and under his control. Loki wants to rule earth. And S.H.I.E.L.D. needs my help to stop him."

"Oh, ok." You said, "When are you going?" You asked, your tone sad.

"Tonight. I have to go pack. Fury has sent people to help me pack." Steve said.

"Okay." You said.

"Hey, I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?" Steve said and pulled you closer to him. "I promise."

You nodded and nuzzled your face in his chest. "Just take care of yourself and come back to me."

"Yes, love. I will." Steve said and kissed your hair. Steve held you as you cuddled on the couch before he had to leave. But it was over when Mazie and Cooper came out and Mazie jumped onto his lap. "Hey, Maze. How have you been?" You laughed as she responded him with a little 'meow'. "She didn't trouble you did she?"

"No. She's been a good little baby." You said and scratched her head.

"Can you keep her when I'm gone?"

"Sure. Her and Cooper have become best friends." You said.

"Has she troubled Cece?"

"No. She's friendly with her too."

"Okay. Fine. Are you sure you can handle them all?"

"Yes, Steve." You said, " I can. Don't worry. I have handled bigger animals than these three."

"I know. I just don't want you to worry and get tired by handling them." Steve said and went to kiss you but couldn't as Cooper too now hopped on the couch and came between you two. "Whoa."

"Coop, don't be jealous, baby." You cooed at him, "Come here, kiss me, Rogers." You said.

"As you wish." Steve said and leaned in, but once again Cooper barked and pushed Steve away from you. Steve chuckled, "Someone doesn't want to share their mama."

"Oh baby. I love you too." You said and hugged Cooper. "You need to learn to share some love."

Cooper whined and licked your face and then sat down on your lap. "Now, can I kiss you?"

"Yes, come here." You said and pulled him in for a kiss.

Steve kissed you like it was the last time, "I should go." Steve said as he pulled away.

"Yeah. I'll come with you to pick Mazie's stuff." You said.

"Sure. Come on." Steve said.


Steve put the packed bags on the ground and showed you Mazie's medicines and food. "Are you sure? I can find a sitter."

"It's fine, baby." You said, "You worry about saving the world."

Steve nodded, "Yeah." He came closer and pulled you in his arms, "You stay safe, okay?"

"Hmm." You said, resting your forehead against his, "You too. I don't if what you're going to do is dangerous but I want you back in one piece. And if you die I'll kill you."

Steve laughed softly, "Yes, love. I will come back to you."

"Kiss me, Steve." You whispered. Steve smiled and kissed you softly. The kiss was long and filled with love and passion. Steve's grip grew tighter on your waist, pulling you flush against him. If it was even possible.

"Captain." Agent Coulson said after clearing his throat. Steve pulled away from you and took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, but we have to leave."

"Yeah, just a minute." Steve said to him and turned his attention back to you. "I love you, okay. Take care of yourself."

"I love you too, Steve." You said, doing your best not to cry.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to call, hmm?" Steve asked.

"I won't. Now go and be a hero." You said and pecked his lips. But Steve's hand held your head in place and deepened the kiss.

"I will be home soon, okay?" He said.

"I know." You said.

"I have to go." Steve said. You nodded and pulled away from him. Immediately missing his warmth and comfort. "Oh, before I forget." Steve went back in his room and brought you a shirt, "For you."

"Thank you." You said and took his shirt.

"Looks way better on you than it looks on me." Steve said and picked his backpack.

"You like seeing me in your clothes, Captain?" You teased.

Steve groaned, "Don't." He shook his head.

"Fine." You said. "It's mine now."

"I don't mind."

"Please call me if Maze troubles you too much." Steve said as you and him climbed down the stairs and stood outside the car.

"She's a sweetheart." You said. "She'll be okay to handle."

"If you say so. But still if..."

"I know. I'll call you."

"Okay." Steve said and opened the door. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Steve." You said, "Good luck."

"Thanks." He said and sat inside, rolling the window down to look at you. "I'll call you once I reach."

"Yes." You said. "Bye." You waved at him as the car roared in life.

Steve nodded and waved back at you as the car moved. You held the tears in as the car disappeared. You went home and curled up on the bed and cried. Soon Cooper and Mazie climbed in bed after hearing you cry and cuddled with you as you cried yourself to sleep.

The Animal Lover ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now