Chapter 9

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One month later.....

You and Steve had moved in the Stark Tower at Tony's request. All of the Avengers were staying there for a while.

You had been working non stop at the zoo to comfort your animals. They were scared and traumatised due to sounds of bombings and crashes.

Steve came in today to pick you up. He walked in the zoo and saw you cuddling with a baby red panda and another clinging to your leg. You were bouncing the one in your arms. You turned around and noticed him. "Hey, baby." You said, walking up to him. It was a struggle to walk as the panda clung to your leg.

"You're in demand." He pointed at them.

"Uh, you know. Just the usual buttering." You said. "They always do this. They want me to stay here with them."

"Can't blame them." Steve said. "You look so cuddle-able right now."

"Oh yeah?" You chuckled.

"Yes. Why don't we get take out and just cuddle?" Steve suggested.

"Okay. Just let we deal with them and we can go." You said.

"Can I just pet him a little?" Steve asked.

"Sure. Go ahead." You said.

Steve smiled and petted the red panda in your arms, who turned and looked at Steve, "Hi buddy. How are you?" Steve said, holding his hand out.

"Shake hand, Jojo." You said. The little panda listened and shook Steve's hand.

"Nice to meet you, pal." Steve said.

"Hey, Y/N." Your coworker, Josh called you. "Looks like you have trouble there?"

"Yeah. Can you take them? I need to go home now."

"Yup. Come here, Jojo." Josh took him from your arms and looked down at the other." I'll be right back." He chuckled and went away with Jojo and then took the other panda.

"See you on Monday, Josh. Bye." You said.

"Yup. Bye." Josh said, going back to the deal with the animals.

"You okay?" Steve asked as the two of you made your way back to your car.

"Yeah. Just a little tired." You lied. You had a fever going on all day at work.

"Okay. Take out and cuddles." Steve said and started driving. You had fallen asleep when Steve had stopped at your favourite restaurant to get take out. Steve looked at you and saw you had fallen asleep. He smiled and leaned down to kiss your cheek. That's when he noticed your cheeks were warmer than usual. He frowned when he checked your temperature. Steve sighed and took a blanket from the backseat and put it over you. He quickly went out and got your order and drove home.

Steve carried you upstairs and laid you down on the couch and woke you up. "Honey, wake up. We're home." He said softly.

You opened your eyes and yawned. "Sorry. I fell asleep."

"It's alright." Steve said. "You are sick, Y/N. Did you work like this all day?"

"No." You shook your head and sat on the couch, "Jojo wasn't feeling good today. So, I took him to the doctor and they said he had fever. I stayed with him all day and took care of him. Maybe I got it too."

"Oh, sweetheart." Steve smiled, "I know you love your animals a lot. But you have to take care of yourself too."

"I know." You said, "I promise I will from now on." You wrapped your arms around his waist and leaned against him.

"You better." Steve said, kissing your head. "Come on. Let's eat and we can go to sleep."

"Sure." You said and leaned over the coffee table to get the take out bag but Steve took it before you. "Hey."

"You are not moving a muscle. Just sit there and eat." Steve said.

"Fine." You said. Steve handed you your favourite noodles and the two of you had dinner watching the next movie that was on Steve's list. Halfway through the movie you turned to look at Steve as he yawned. "Wanna go sleep?"

"Sure." Steve turned off the TV and you made your way to your bedroom. Both of you changed in your PJs and got under the covers.

"Come here." You opened your arms for him, knowing he loved to cuddle and fall asleep with his head on your chest.

"It's okay, love. You need rest." Steve said.

"Just come here. It's okay." You said.

"Okay." Steve said and cuddled with you, closing his eyes. "Good night, love."

"Good night, baby."


This isn't much but I have no idea how to take this story ahead. Here's a small and fluff- filled chapter of Steve and Y/N's life together.

Happy reading!!!

The Animal Lover ~ Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now