Chapter 9: The Interview

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Ahri POV

Ahri: You say what!?

Evelynn: Ryu got stab because of me...

Akali: How is he doing?

Ryu: I don't know, I think you should go in and check on him.

Akali: Great idea- Ryu!?

Kai'sa: You're okay, how are you doing? Does it still hurt?

Ryu: No, I fine. Just a flesh wound.

Ahri: Just a flesh wound? You were stabbed... Through the shoulder!

Ryu: Don't worry, you four should focus on to day interview that you guy have.

Kai'sa: How can we not worry about you?

Ryu: This isn't the first time I was stab, trust me a red head had stabbed me more time than the amount of brain cells she had.

(Somewhere else)

Katarina: *sneeze*

Talon: Did you get a cold?

Katarina: Not I just have a feeling some one just insulted me.

(Back at the apartment)

Evelynn: Okay now Darling, you don't have to joke about being stab with a knife.

This make me feel kinda uncomfortable since it really happened to him as a kid.

Ryu: I'm not joking, it's real. Anyway I have to go now, be back in a bit.

He walk to the door

Ryu: Oh and there are sea cucumber in the fridge for you guy.

He then left.

Kai'sa: Umm, these are good.

Kai'sa was already holding the jar and eat one.

Evelynn: What does he mean by not joking? Is he really had been stab?

Ahri: Uhh, he is telling the truth.

The other: What?

Ahri: As a kid, his family abuse him...

The other: WHAT!?

Ahri: Huh, I thought you guy knew?

Evelynn: No of course not.

Akali: He show me the what happened to him after he save his world, they call him Diend the Destroyer of Worlds.

Kai'sa: What? He only show me some of his adventure, there was a time where he, guy with smile mask, guy with pig mask, and a guy with broken wing, blow up a corrupt lation. He call it doomsday.

Evelynn: And I only get to see a windy city. I feel left out, no fair.*pout*

Ahri: Speaking of Ryu, where do you guy think he run off to now?

Kai'sa: I don't know, he know like all of our schedule, while out side the house we know nothing about him.

Akali: Wait... He said his main objective is something like taking out the monster that came from other worlds.

The other: What!?

Kai'sa: Why didn't you say this sooner!?

Akali: It just suddenly came up.

We all panicked and rush out side looking for him. We can't find him anywhere.

Kai'sa: This is bad.

Evelynn: Real bad, he still have his injury, we can't let him fight.

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