Chapter 8: Hallelujah

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Alberts was on Sunset in West Hollywood, and it was as swanky and exclusive as Hazel remembered, though the décor had changed completed since the last time she'd been there, as had, thankfully, the staff.

They were all still in their stage clothes and makeup, and when their Uber pulled up and they got out, several people in line started nudging each other and taking photographs of them on their phones. Not because they recognized them, not anyone but Benji, anyway, but because they looked like they must be someone with their perfect airbrushing and their glitzy outfits.

As they walked past the velvet rope of people waiting to get in, Hazel heard someone mention something about Vanderpump, while her friend disagreed and thought they must be some characters in the wide Kardashian orbit.

They were so far off that even Hazel found it funny, and she laughed when Bella stopped and posed for photographs like she was on the red carpet.

"If you act it, you can make it happen," Bella said.

"Is that like the Field of Dreams?" Hazel said.


Hazel wondered about that—whether you could truly project your future and make it happen, but then the bouncer was asking for their names. After a moment's nervous searching, he found them on the list, and their foursome was swept past the velvet ropes, then led to a roomy banquette where champagne and glasses sat waiting.

The club was large, loud, and full. Hazel did a quick inventory. A DJ Hazel recognized from Instagram was spinning Migos' "Modern Day" on a platform in the corner. Tall, pretty women flitted around in heels and trendy dresses, while men in tight suits vied for their attention. An A-list actress from a wildly popular Netflix show held court in the VIP section. Hazel had an odd sense of déjà vu but pushed it aside. She was living in the present now, and maybe Bella was right. If she acted like a winner, maybe she'd be one.

They settled in and the waitress popped the bottle of Champagne, then poured them each a generous glass. Benji made a toast and they clinked glasses, then Zoey drained hers quickly. She reached for the bottle and poured herself another before Hazel had even finished her first swallow. She downed that glass too, then burst into tears.

"It wasn't that bad, Zoey," Hazel said lying through her teeth as she rubbed Zoey's back, almost yelling over the thumping bass.

The truth was that Zoey and Dave's performance of "Fireworks" that night had been abysmal. And while they were supposed to be judged individually, having a disastrous partner could sink you. Martin had told Zoey she was in "dangerous waters," and he'd nearly made Dave cry. Even Georgia had a hard time coming up with anything positive to say and had instead told Zoey that she was "beautiful".

"Besides, it was all Dave's fault," Hazel added.

"I'm going home, I know it."

"There's nothing you can do about it tonight. Let's just try to have a good time, all right?"

Bella eyed Zoey unhappily across the table, then filled her glass from the bottle, emptying it. She was dressed to kill in a white bandeau top, skinny jeans, and stilettos that Hazel wouldn't be able to walk three feet in without twisting an ankle. But Bella had sauntered around the stage with ease.

Hazel couldn't blame Bella for her attitude. It was supposed to be a night of fun, not tears. And Bella and Cole had a great performance of a classic Rolling Stones song, with Martin going so far as to say that they were "sailing through" this round. She had reason to celebrate.

"You just don't understand," Zoey almost wailed. "None of you do." She finished another glass and now the bottle of Champagne was empty. Before Zoey's glass hit the table, a perky-breasted waitress in a skin-tight leather dress approached their table. "More drinks?"

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