Chapter 47: The End

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Much later, Hazel found Nick in the hotel bar. She'd searched for him everywhere backstage after they'd announced the results, but he was nowhere to be seen.

She stood in entranceway, apart from him, watching him nurse a drink. The TV above the bar was on, the nightly news playing. From behind her she could hear the after-show celebration. There was confetti in her hair from when Keshawn had pointed at the sky and let it rain down on her and Benji. The cheers had swelled around them, embracing them, and then they'd embraced, both happy with the result.

It was over. Months of working, striving, loss and laughter came down to a vote. The winner had been announced, and it was set down in history, maybe for the last time. The Sing Along might be over for good, that remained to be seen. But this year's show was over.

What now?


He glanced back over his shoulder, then away. Not the welcome she was hoping for. Should she leave? Forget this?

No. That's what she always did. Run away from things when they got hard. The show was the only thing she'd stuck at where her attendance wasn't mandated by the state. She needed to learn to stick to other things too.

Other people.

Hazel stepped forward. She was still in her final dress, a long flowing light pink number that was something she could've have worn to the Oscars. Her feet kept getting caught in the hem, but she was determined not to make an ass of herself.

"Why are you hiding in here?" Hazel said, stepping up the bar.

"Seemed like as good as place as any."

"I looked for you after they announced the results."

Nick rolled his head toward her. His cheeks were pink from the alcohol. "And now you've found me."

"Are you drunk?"

"Might be."


"We lost." He picked up his glass and drained it. Then signaled to the bartender to bring him another.

"You mean, I lost."

That's what Keshawn had announced when he'd opened the gold embossed envelope. The audience had chosen Benji, not her. But Hazel had meant what she'd said to Benji backstage. She wanted him to win. He deserved it. And it was nice to know that sometimes, the right person still ended up on top.

Nick nodded.

"I should be drinking then."

"Suit yourself."

Hazel sat on the stool next to him, gathering her skirt around her, and asked the bartender for her own drink. When it came she clinked her glass against Nick's. "You're really drunk because I lost?"

"Why are you so surprised?"

"I didn't expect you to be more upset than I was."

He turned his head toward her. "You're not upset?"

"I mean, I guess so? I haven't processed it."

"I'm sorry, Hazel."

"For what?"

"I should've managed this better for you."

Hazel tapped him on the shoulder. "Nick?"


"Aren't you supposed to be consoling me?"

"Ah, shit, Hazel, I'm sorry." He pushed his glass away and sat up straighter. Then he repositioned his stool so his legs were framing hers. "You deserved to win."

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