Chapter 37: Whatever Happens Next

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The afternoon was a mess of nerves, none of them eating, all of them avoiding each other but Zoey and Hazel.

The hotel was under siege from journalists, so they holed up in Hazel's room, playing with Checkers and telling each other that it was all going to be fine.

But it wasn't, because only one woman and one man were going through to the final round. It could be any one of them, but everything that had happened had taken the focus off Zoey. Hazel felt bad about that. Zoey deserved as much attention as anyone. If she didn't make it, she wanted Zoey to get in. Anyone but Bella, really, though Bella had never seemed like she was in danger.

Around five, they separated to get ready, then went through the motions on stage. They each had individual performances and then a group number. Hazel floated through them like an out of body experience. And now it was ten minutes to the end of the show and Keshawn had gathered them all on stage. Hazel linked her hand through Zoey's and squeezed tight.

Keshawn flashed a smile at the audience and tapped the envelopes against his hand. Hazel wondered whether he knew the results. He was too good of an actor for her to tell.

"The moment you've all been waiting for, tweeting for, hashtaging for."

The audience laughed.

"But first ... Let's do the men, shall we?"

The audience groaned. Hazel's heart felt like it might explode.

"Benji, Cole, Dave—please step forward."

The men advanced in a line, but they didn't hold hands like the women usually did. Cole was self-assured, Benji was nervous, and Dave l was his usual inscrutable self, like he wasn't quite sure how he'd gotten on the stage. He'd sung like it too, and if there was any connection between talent and success, he should be one of the ones going home.

But between Benji and Cole, it wasn't clear who the favorite was. They'd both sung their hearts out, and they both had their fan bases.

Hazel wanted Benji to stay. She understood why he was mad with her, and she couldn't blame him. He'd made it clear since the beginning that honesty was important to him, and all she'd done was lie. If she'd told him the truth that moonlit night on the beach like she almost had, and opened up to him fully, would things be different now? Was that even what she wanted?

No. She found Nick in the wings and smiled at him. He'd kept his distance too, but it had a different quality to it. Hazel couldn't explain why, but his silence didn't feel hostile, only cautious. Besides, she'd screwed things up there before any of her secrets had come out.

As if to confirm her thoughts, Nick smiled back before turning away and answering a question from one of the crew.

"Dave, you sang an Elvis medley. Martin thought it was off balance, and Georgia said it was 'just okay.' Cole, you sang John Mayer's 'Gravity' and Martin called it transcendent, and Georgia simply fanned herself. Benji, you sang 'Tangled up in Blue' and Martin said that Dylan would be envious, and Georgia gave you a one-minute standing ovation. Two of you are going home."

Keshawn opened the envelope and then paused. "David, this is the end of your journey on the show."

The audience erupted in applause. It wasn't entirely clear if they were applauding Dave leaving or if they were congratulating him on his journey on the show. Dave took it as the latter, waved and bowed, then walked off the stage. Benji and Cole moved closer together. Benji towered over Cole, who hadn't finished growing.

"We love you, Cole!" Someone in the audience shouted, likely his mama.

"We love you, Benji!" screamed three girls together and the audience laughed and applauded.

"Benji, Cole, lot of love for you out there. You both have an assured future in this business. But one of you is going home tonight." He tapped the card, hiding the answer he was about to reveal. "Cole, I'm sorry, but it's the end of the line for you."

Hazel let out the breath she was holding. So, it was Benji. If she made it, she was going to have to go up against him. That felt fitting.

There was some booing from the crowd, again mostly from Cole's camp, and then a retrospective of Cole's time on the show started to play. Hazel watched the screen, Zoey's hand shaking in hers, Bella unnaturally still next to her. When Cole's film had ended, Cole took a bow, then rushed off the stage in tears.

Benji waved to a room full of applause, then followed him.

"All right, ladies, your turn," Keshawn said, a fresh envelope in his hand.

Hazel and Zoey stepped forward, but Bella was routed to the spot.

Hazel reached back and extended her hand to Bella. Bella looked incredulous, then took it and stepped forward. A cheer rose from the crowd.

"That's nice to see," Keshawn said. "Truly."

Hazel smiled at him, and he gave her a brief nod. Was he telegraphing something to her?

"Hazel!" Someone in the crowd screamed.

"Maybe!" Keshawn answered, chuckling at his own joke.

Hazel closed her eyes as he went through his usual spiel summarizing their performances and reminding them of the judge's comments.

"Zoey," Hazel heard him say, and for a moment Hazel thought it was over. But then she realized he was saying that Zoey was going home, and it was down to her and Bella. The perfect moment for the show.

Hazel hugged Zoey then released her. She held onto Zoey as her montage played, her arm around Zoey's shaking shoulder. It wasn't the place to talk, but she hoped Zoey would be okay. Thankfully, Brooke had arrived late in the day to be her support system.

The montage was over, and Zoey left the stage. Hazel stepped toward Bella, their hands linked. Whatever happened, she had to be okay with it. Whatever happened, she was okay with it. Whatever happened—

"Hazel, Bella, your competition has been one for the ages. And by only fifty votes ... Bella ... You're going home tonight."

She'd done it! She'd made it into the final.

She started shaking, letting out the emotion she'd been holding in. She felt the tears fall as Bella pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry," Bella said, and Hazel hugged her tighter.

"Me too," Hazel said. "Me too."

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