Chapter 46: Shut up and Sing

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They searched for an hour, but they didn't find Checkers.

When they gave up, Hazel got some breakfast and left Brooke and Zoey in charge of the search. Then she went to her rehearsal space and spent several hours learning Nick's song by heart.

It was perfect for her, showcasing her talents, hiding her flaws, and hitting all the right emotional notes. She decided to do it alone on the piano, with no accompaniment from the show's musicians. It was a risk, especially since she knew from the tech rehearsal that Benji was doing a full production on his song, but it felt right.

She'd find out soon enough.

When it was finally late afternoon, Hazel forced herself to eat again and tried to keep from biting her nails while she sat in hair and makeup. Then it was time to get dressed, go backstage, and get mic'd up. The theater filled with people, their low chatter a hum that mixed with the nervous energy of the stagehands and former contestants getting ready for their last performance.

Hazel went to her mark behind the main curtain. Keshawn was off to the right, reading through his prompter scroll, learning it by heart. Hazel was wearing tight leather pants, and her hair was teased high. Benji was next to her in a leather jacket, his hair greased back. They were leading a cheesy group number of a song from Grease with all the old contestants. Zoey was on her other side wearing a saddle skirt and shoes, and Bella was to the left of Benji in a pink silk jacket.

The four of them, together again, back where they'd started.

Benji gave her a cold stare, and Hazel tried to think about what it would look like to the audience as they sang "You're the One That I Want" to each other in a few minutes. Would the audience buy that their chills were multiplying? The part Hazel was playing, that they all were?

Only if they sold it.

She grabbed Zoey's hand and Benji's too and plastered a big smile on her face as the music started and the curtain rose.

Hazel's eyes searched the audience as they whooped and cheered. There her parents were in the second row, sitting next to Brooke. Her father even had a proud look on his face. Her mother was beaming too, clapping enthusiastically. Amber was there too, waving with her son, Theo. And Chris was there with her equally gorgeous husband. Kate sat with a man Hazel didn't recognize who was also clapping enthusiastically. Georgia raised her soda water in a gesture of approval on the judging dais, and Martin scowled, his arms crossed over his chest.

The only person she couldn't find was Nick, but she knew he was backstage, somewhere, rooting for her, even if they couldn't be together.

Hazel's heart was full. She didn't know how to process what was happening, she only knew that it was time to give it her all.

And then Checkers hopped onto the stage.


Checkers bounded between the contestants as they tried to sing the group number and execute their dance moves. Hazel wanted to scoop him up, but she was at the front, and this was the finals. She tried to signal to Zoey to get him, but she couldn't catch her eye. Hazel had no choice to grin and bear it as the audience laughed and pointed whenever Checkers popped into view.

Finally, the number was over. The curtain closed and Hazel scurried around, madly trying to find Checkers.

"I've got him," Nick said.

Hazel stood up. "Thank you." She held out her arms.

Nick patted Checkers on the head. "I'll put him somewhere safe. Go get ready for your next performance."

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