Chapter 20: Issues

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"Hazel Fine!" Keshawn drawled into his microphone. "Come on up!"

Hazel left her seat and walked up to stage. It was the first live results show. Two people had already been eliminated, but Benji, Zoey, Bella, and Dave were through as was Cole.

Hazel was feeling increasingly nervous as the show went on, even though she'd been happy with her performance. She done a mix of an acapella version of "Issues" and a rocking swing version. Her voice was in fine form, and she'd drawn praise from Georgia and Martin, though his had been a bit grudging.

The one thing that hadn't gone according to plan was Julia Michaels herself being that week's guest judge. She'd been very complimentary of Hazel's performance, but Martin had made a sly suggestion that Hazel had found out, somehow, who the judge was going to be and had catered her song choice accordingly. Georgia had leapt to her defense, but you never could tell how those types of comments would influence the audience at home, who were now in charge of deciding who stayed and who didn't.

"How are you feeling about your performance last night?" Keshawn asked.

"Better thirty minutes ago."

"Ha!" Keshawn laughed and the audience laughed along with him.

Half the audience was contestants who'd been eliminated earlier in the season and the current contestant's families. She was the only one who didn't have anyone in her reserved seats.

She'd invited Amber and Theo, but Amber had to work. She promised she'd come next week if Hazel made it through. "I voted for you, though," Amber said on the phone. "Five times."

"You going to make me wait all night?" Hazel said to Keshawn in a teasing voice.

This was the sort of stuff the audience at home ate up. You had to be likeable and approachable but show some grit too. At least, that's what Hazel had put together through her continued analysis of the show. If you didn't have a gimmick like Cole and his T-shirt supporting mama, then you had to pick a lane most people could easily understand.

"A girl who knows what she wants. Love it."

Hazel smiled even as she saw Martin frowning from the judge's stage. "You know it."

"And what about Benji Suzuki?"

"What about Benji?"

"You want him too I heard."

Hazel cringed but hid it behind a wide smile. "Oh, so you think I'm the pursuer, huh?"


"The only thing I'm here to pursue is a win."

"Go for it, girlfriend."

"I am."

Keshawn laughed again, just delighted. "Well, before we get to these results," Keshawn tapped the envelope in his hand against his palm, "let's get your mentor out here to hear what she has to say. Kate?"

Kate walked on from stage left as the audience roared its approval. On her season, Kate had mastered her rapport with the audience and had won with her positivity and easy laugh, though at thirty she was one of the oldest women contestants the show had ever had.

Knowing Kate the way she did now, it was easy to understand why she'd been so successful. Kate was a sunny person, instantly likeable, and super talented too.

She waved to the audience and gave Hazel a hug.

"So glad to have you back, Kate," Keshawn said.

"I'm so happy to be here. I couldn't be prouder of my girl." She put her arm around Hazel's shoulders. "She nailed it."

HAZEL FINE SINGS ALONG (WATTYS 2022 Winner!)Where stories live. Discover now