Part-37💗 𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒂

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Jimin : "Shut up! I know you! You can't live without your baby! Here take her!"

Jimih left & Jungkook stood there frozen.

He could carry her but poor Mafia was scared gaining some strength, he looked of the baby.

She was looking at him with her cute, doe eyes.

Seeing the cute, doe eyes & the chubby checks Jungkook felt like he gain some strength.

Oh! Only if the mother have seen the sight of the mafia carrying the baby as the most precious thing. The scene surely have been melted the heart of her...him(?)

Very carefully he put a hand under her cute bum & wrapped the other hand around her back. He protectively held her to his chest.

Jimin peeked from somewhere & secretly clicked a picture of Jungkook carrying the baby girl, who was looking so comfy in His arms.

Jk: "Jimin hyung aka your uncle went to buy things for you So let's go to the Cafe area! Would you like to go on a Cafe date with me, pretty??"

Jungkook asked the baby & he heard her giggles. To him, her giggles means YES!

As he went to the cafe that was in the mall. He asked the staff to bring stroller.

Jk: "Ok then, let's go (He said in cute voice)

Jk : "Let's sit & have some chit chat."

(He put the baby on stroller & sat on the chair)

He ordered coffee for himself & asked the staff if there baby food was available)

Jk : "I'm going to order coffee. What would you like to have?

Jk :(The staff gave hime bowl of baby food) "is it safe?"

Staff-"Yes sir!"

Jk : "Ok! Thank you!

(He took a sip of coffee & started feeding his cute, angel date her baby food) "What should I call you?!"

(The baby girl loved his company. She was giggling & blabbering.)

(The baby girl loved his company. She was giggling & blabbering of whatever Jungkook was saying)

Jk :"Taeha how's that?! Should I call you that?!" (And the baby giggled)

"Ok then! Taeha It sounds so beautiful right?! Yeah bcoz Some one who's so beautiful & special has this name; And you're also pretty angel like him,

(He started imagining this someone special & the baby girl's face)

Jk : "Taeha, y'know what?! You kinda look like him! I was surprised to see you! For a second. I thought you're his...

"I know I'm sounding so silly. But my heart is saying that there's something that I don't know."

And I'll find out what's bothering my heart so much!" (He said with glossy eyes)

Jimin : "I'm done shopping Jungkook! Let's go . Give her to me!" (Jimin interrupted Jungkook The mafia nodded his head & stared at the baby girl)


Jk : "Hyung, call her Taeha from now on

Jimin: "Ohi That's a pretty name!" (Upon reaching his mansion, Jungkook called someone.

Jimin: "Ohi That's a pretty name!" (At reaching his mansion, Jungkook called someone)

Jk :"I trust you so please do this for me And be careful. I don't want him to catch us!"


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