Part-57💛 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒉

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-the clip-

Jk: "I don't want to listen whatever you wanna say so leave!"

Camilla: "Jungkook, please once listen to me please. I need your help!"

Jk: "I'm not going to help you. Get the hell out of here!"

Camilla: "Jungkook, please I like that boy! Please help me to have him before Zayn will take him away! Please!"

Camilla: "Yeah! I'm asking you to help me to destroy Zayn's plan."

Camilla: "Jungkook, I regret telling Zayn about him. I like him and I want him. Please do some thing! K*ll Zayn or whatever!! Help me!"

Camilla: "You'll help me? Right?! Please!"

Jk: "But what about Zayn?! Why you're saying it all now?!"

Camilla: "I know right! Because I realized it now! Help me Jungkook!"

Jk: "No! I won't help you!"

Camilla: "Help me, Jungkook. Call me or text me once you'll agree on helping me!"

Jk: "Just get out! I won't help you in flopping Zayn's plan! I don't wanna get in between your matter!"

-clip ended-

Zayn:"She's betraying on me How dare shell Where is She now Junckack?!"

Zayn: "And where's the boy?!"

Jk: "They are in Canada. Camilla went there to take him before you"

Zayn: "Thank you Jungkook Thank you

Zayn: "Guards! Prepare everything! We're going to Canada" (Jungkook left from there)

Jk:"Yeah finally Camilla, you rot in hell and you bloody secret admirer, rot in jail!!


Hobi: "you went to Zayn all alone, and now you're packing your bag! What's going on!?

Yoongi: "Just spill the tea, Kook! What about Camilla and Zayn?!"

Jk: "Camilla will be dead by Zayn prolly and Zayn will be in jail ."

Author's POV

(Jungkook with the help of Hoseok and some hacker converted the argument with Camilla into fake video. There's camera & voice recorder in his mansion. The day when Camilla came to his house again to know about Taehyung, Jungkook get that clip converted into the one he showed to Zayn. And that's how he filled Zayn's mind. And now Zayn think that Camilla is betraying on him and will get his boy so probably he'll try killing or will kill her.

And as Zayn will reach to Canada-- there the police will welcome him because he does a huge drug trafficking business. He'll get arrested.

That's how Jungkook end the chapter of the villains from his and Taehyung's life)

Yoongi: "Woah woah! That was so clever of you! It took you years to find him and minutes to end his chapter! Wow!

Jk: "yeah Finally!!"

Jk: "Now it's, time to get my loves back! Tae, my love... Jungmee, my princess, I'm coming Jungkook was dancing in happiness)

Jimin: "Let's go!!"(Jimin and Jungkook were squealing Like high school girl)


Damn! The plan is back fired😂🤣

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