Chapter 10: Emotional Rollercoasters

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Hi, it's been long a long time. I hope you still remember this story.

I am not going to give you a headache with the number of reasons I've been so dead lately. If you're interested, you can check out my profile message. All the details are there. Plus, I know that most of you have received  my ridiculously long message. 

This is part 1 of my mass update, so enjoy this before part 2 comes out...soon :)

PS. My face turned a permanent shade of red by the end of this chapter so take this warning seriously: This chapter is RATED-R. ;)

PSS. This is unedited. please excuse my lack of proper grammar and language. I shall re-post this chapter by the end of this week :)



     Chapter 10: Emotional Rollercoasters 


“You what?”

I winced in pain, and pulled my cell phone away from my now bleeding ear. Man, Maria could yell.

“I told him I’ll think about it?”

“But why?” she screeched again.

“Can you stop screaming? You’re killing my ears,” I snapped, annoyed by her behaviour.

“What do you expect me to do when you’re acting like a stupid child?” she countered with what I swear was a scowl. “What do you need to think about?” she asked in disbelief. “That man worships the group you walk on and all you have to say is ‘I’ll think about it’? There’s something really wrong with you, Olivia.”

“Well, thank you so much for the advice. I’ll take that into consideration. Now please excuse me as I hang up and call someone who—”

“Ok, I’ll stop,” she interrupted with a chuckle.

I puffed out my cheeks loudly and shook my head with a frown. “You know, come to think of it, you haven’t once agreed with anything I said.”

“That’s because you’re not thinking straight, Olivia,” Maria answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“I can’t just move in with him.”

“Uhh, yes you can,” Maria replied with a ‘duh’ voice.

“We haven’t even gone on one date together, Maria. It doesn’t make sense that I move in. We don’t even know each other well enough.”

“So you’ll learn. You guys can go out when you’re together as well. It would be even easier for you guys. Plus he loves you. He’s even agreed to let you change departments.”

I sighed, knowing that no matter what I’d say, I wouldn’t win against Maria. “It’s just doesn’t feel right, Maria. I know that once I move into his house, I’ll become dependent on him,” I said quietly after a moment.

Maria grew silent after that and I knew that she finally understood why I had declined in the first place. “But he’s different, Liv’. He’s isn’t your mom, nor will he ever be.”

I closed my eyes at the thought. “I know, I just…I’ve been alone for years now. I can’t see myself letting go of my freedom for this baby that was never even planned.”

“But are you really giving up your freedom?” she asked. “Just because the house you don’t live in doesn’t get paid with your money? Just because he’s taking care of you? What is he doing that’s stopping you from doing whatever you want?”

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