Chapter 6: New York II

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A/N: I'm sorry for being away for too long. But here is the long awaited chapter. If you want to kill me at the end, I'll understand. Please try to enjoy. I am already working on chapter seven. :)     

                          Chapter 6: New York Part 2

I could not stand another answer to "What makes you the right candidate for our company?" anymore. I've lost count at the number of times I heard the same answers over and over again.

I've been conducting interviews all morning, non-stop. My headache had only worsened and my stomach was howling from hunger. When Andreas said that he wasn't kidding, I guess that he really did mean it after all.

The clock struck 12:51 for the third time that I glanced to check over it. Time was just not passing. No matter how many times I glanced to look at it, it still showed the same 4 digits.

Maybe it's broken. Maybe is been broken for so long that the day is almost over.

I glanced over at the clock on the other wall. It read 12:51.

Maybe that one is broken as well. Maybe all the clocks on this floor are broken, or better yet, the whole building. Maybe-

"Miss Olivia, the next candidate is here," Linda, the receptionist, interrupted my insane train of thought.

I sighed in response but quickly managed to pull off my best polite smile. "Send them in."

My stomach grumbled as the door opened and I sighed miserably. Here go another painful 15 minutes. If I could just disappear, I would have done it in a heartbeat if it weren't for Andreas' encouraging smile that kept me going.

You're so pathetic, it's disgusting.

I know.


During my half hour lunch break, I called the flower shop and gave them the list with all the girls' addresses that Andreas had wanted me to send flowers to.  As each name was called, my heart broke little by little.

And you still have another notebook of them in your office back in Seattle.

God how much I wanted to silence my head with those stupid thoughts. More than that, I wanted to slap Andreas and bring him to reality. I mean, was it physically possible to be with so many girls all at once? How much of a man-whore was he? And the worst of all, all of those women were models in our company! I mean, come on, really? Clients? I didn't understand him at all. I shook my head in disgust and proceeded to stuff down my turkey sandwich with my already gone appetite.

I looked down at my belly that was still thankfully flat and sighed in misery. "Your daddy is a man-whore buddy. I sincerely hope you don't inherit that gene from him."

And just like that, I swear I heard it respond to me with a grumbling noise. Whether or not it was a Yes or No, I'd probably never know.

I finished my lunch and proceeded to go back to the office and prepare for another round of interviews. Halfway to the elevator, I heard my name being called. "Olivia!"

I turned around to the familiar masculine tone and cringed. Of all the people in this company, the last person I wanted to see was Andreas.

"Yes Sir?" I smiled, trying my best not to show my crappy mood.

"I need some help with the finance and market analysis. Leave the interviews to Melisa, I already talked to her," Andreas announced hurriedly, motioning for me to follow.

"But I know nothing about finance," I responded in confusion. I never dealt with the company's financial aspects before.

"Don't worry, I just need help with the completed product. I need a second opinion on it, that's all," Andreas reassured with a grin.

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