Chapter 11: Four Years a Little Too Late

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A/N: Because I love you all so much, and because you all make me so happy, I could not get my fingers off my keyboard today. It's been a year, I am back and I am feeling it all over again. I hope I lived up to your expectations. Enjoy :)


                            Chapter 11: Four Years a Little Too Late

"You have to promise you won't be angry with me."

My eyes narrowed at Maria's greeting.

"Hello to you too, Bestie," I nodded as I sat down at our favourite restaurant.

"Promise me, Olivia. Please."

I stared at her, noticing how panicked she appeared, her eyes wide with what I swore was guilt. This wasn't a good sign. She wore this type of expression when she knew I'd be upset at whatever she was going to tell me.  With everything that was happening, I was very confused at what she could have done to make me angry.

"I don't want to know," I chose to say instead. "I am feeling really great today, and it's the first day I haven't gotten up and greeted my toilet seat. So whatever it is you did, keep it to yourself until this day is over."

You tell it, girl!

I wanted to high five my mind. Finally, we were agreeing with one another.

You do realize you're talking to yourself, right?

Great, here it goes again.

"No, Olivia, I really can't. I've been holding it off for...years," she replied, a frown covering her red lips. She seemed different today, less lively, more tired than I remember seeing her. He short pixie hair wasn't styled and slick as always and I could swear I saw dark circles underneath her blue doe-like eyes.

"Years?" I raised an eyebrow, my curiosity peaking.

She nodded quickly. "Years," she repeated.

"Can I at least order something before you drop the bomb?" I picked up the menu and skipped right over to the dessert section. I was craving sweets like no tomorrow.

"You're really not taking this seriously..." Maria trailed off miserably. "Fine, order first and then you're glued to this seat until I finish talking."

"Why thank you, your majesty," I said, shooting her my best 'fuck you' smile and motioned for one of the waiters to come.

"What can I get you?"

"A chocolate divine crepe with extra whipped cream, please."

"Anything to drink?"

"Just water, thank you."

"I'll be right back with your order." The waiter smiled and left.

"You're having dessert for lunch?" Maria asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I've had a chocolate craving since I woke up, Maria. There's no way I am ordering anything but." I shrugged my shoulders as she shot me a 'you're crazy' look and proceeded to continue eating her boring looking salad.

"So," I started, changing the subject. "What exactly did you need to tell me so badly that couldn't wait till the end of the day?"

Maria sighed and that gloomy expression washed over her face, making me regret I brought it up.

"I really, really didn't want to hide this from you, Liv," she mumbled sadly. "But you hated him so much and there was no way I could have just told you we were related. And then with work and school and Lily, the topic was pushed down over and over again."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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