she snaps at you (requested)

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As soon as Haewon walked down the stairs, you turned your gaze away from the tv and excitedly got up from the sofa.

She was standing in the kitchen with the fridge door open, trying to decide what she wants to eat this morning.

It's her day off and she had the idea of spending it with you.

But since you couldn't sleep any longer when you opened your eyes a couple of hours ago, you decided to come downstairs and watch some tv and wait for Haewon to wake up.

So seeing her out of bed and knowing that you have the day with her and only her, you felt so excited and didn't bother trying to hold it back, because she'd usually be so happy to see that.

"Morning, baby," you smiled as you hugged her from behind, hands falling to her hips. "How are you this morning?"

She pulled out of your arms and grumbled that she was doing fine as she grabbed some milk and a bowl, deciding that she'd have a little cereal.

"So, what do you want to do today?" You asked as you walked back up to her, your hand falling onto her back ever so gently.

"I don't know." She said as she grabbed a spoon.

"We can do anything you want!" You smiled as she turned to face you. "We could watch a movie or two. It's a beautiful day, we could spend it outdoors. We could cuddle. Whatever you want."

She huffed and placed her spoon in the bowl with a loud clang, causing you to jump.

"You know what I want to do?"

You shook your head, happy to listen.

"Spend some time alone. Alone and away from you."

The last part stung, that you couldn't even try to deny.

"Oh. If that's what you want." You said with a frown.

"Stop looking at me that way!" She said. "Is it that big of a deal that I want some time alone?"

"No. Of course not."

"Then why do you look so upset?"

"I'm not upset. I'm just a little down because I thought we were spending the day together. But it's okay, I'll be fine. We can spend time together later." You smiled and went to kiss her cheek, only for her to roll her eyes at you and pull away.

"Don't. I need space. You're so annoying sometimes."

Your breath hitched and your heart ached over the intense sadness that followed the words that she spoke.

"Just leave me alone!"

"Fine!" You yelled and started to walk away. "Just go back to bed, get more sleep. You need it."

She scoffed before going upstairs with her food, slamming the bedroom door behind her as you curl back up on the sofa, ready to spend the day by yourself and wait for her to come and apologize to you sometime soon.

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