you get sick in the middle of the night (requested)

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The sound of you breathing unevenly and the feeling of your feet bumping hers as you quickly kicked the blankets away caused Haewon to wake from her peaceful sleep.

She opened her eyes to find that the lamp on your bedside table was on and you were sitting up against the pillows, swearing a little as you held your aching stomach.

She frowned and sat up next to you

Looking at the clock real quick, she saw that it was only a little after three am.

She rubbed her eyes before looking at you, her heart aching in her chest instantly upon seeing you looking so miserable.

"What's the matter, my love?" She asked as she put her hand on your back and scooted closer to you, her fingers brushing across your skin.

You felt warm and clammy and she could tell that you felt horrible.

"I woke up a few minutes ago and I don't feel well. I think I'm going to be sick."

She put her hand on your forehead and felt that you weren't just warm but feverish.

"Oh, my love. You're burning up."

You whimpered as you continued to clutch your stomach.

It hurt so much. It was agonizing.

"You feel nauseous?"

You nodded wordlessly.

"Can I do anything to help you?"

You shrugged your shoulders and squeezed your eyes shut, wishing you could just feel better so you go to sleep again.

But you soon felt that awful feeling, the telltale sign that you'd be sick in just a matter of seconds.

You felt your mouth start to water and your stomach started to turn and in a panic, you tried to jump out of bed to rush into the bathroom so you could get sick.

But as you jumped out of bed, you fell to the floor as your foot ended up getting caught in the blanket.

And you couldn't get it out in time, because just a few short seconds later you ended up getting sick, unable to hold it back.

Haewon jumped out of bed and rushed to your side, where she grabbed the trash can for you to finish getting sick in.

Just a couple of seconds later, you stopped vomiting.

Haewon waited a few more seconds, just to ensure that when she pulled the trash can away that you wouldn't get sick again before she put it on the floor again.

"Are you alright? Do you feel any better?" She asked as she comfortingly rubbed your back.

You shook your head, making her heart sink.

"What's wrong, sweet girl?"

"I'm so sorry." You mumbled sadly. "I didn't mean to get sick like that. My foot got stuck and I tried to get up and go into the bathroom but I didn't have time."

"Oh," she sighed sadly. "Don't worry about it. I know how awful you feel right now. It happens, y/n. Don't feel bad about it. All I care about right now is you. Do you feel any better, even just a tiny bit?"

"My stomach doesn't hurt as much and I don't feel as sick."

"That's great, baby." She said as she tucked a lock of hair behind your ear.

"Can I have some water?"

"Of course, baby. I'll be back." She said and quickly rushed downstairs to get you some water, returning only a moment later.

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