are you dating? (requested)

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"I guess I should get going." Your cousin said as he stood up. "It's getting late and I'm getting tired." He explained as he opened his arms.

You stood up, feeling sorta sad that your day with him had come to an end.

You've always been super close with your cousin. He's always been there for you through the good and bad in life and he's always had your back.

He's basically your best friend and he has been since you were very young.

But, sadly, now you're both adults and you don't get to see each other as often, so you were both sad that the day had come to an end.

"Can we hang out again soon?" You asked as you gave him a quick hug.

"Of course. I should have some free time in a couple of weeks. See you then?"

You nodded and he gave you one more hug.

Just as you pulled away, your front door opened.

Haewon was standing there with a plastic bag from the convenience store nearby in her hands.

She planned to surprise you with some snacks that you could share together as you'd binge-watch the drama you've both been excitedly waiting to see.

She patted her lips to speak, only for all of the words to fade away as she caught a glimpse of you hugging your cousin, whom she didn't know was your cousin.

"This is Haewon?" He asked as he looked at you, a big smile on his face.

"Yes." You said and he looked at Haewon.

"Oh. I've heard a lot about you." He told Haewon. "I have to get going but I hope to see you soon."

He walked out the door, closing it behind him.

Haewon put the bag on the sofa before she ran her fingers through her hair.

"I didn't know you'd be coming over!" You smiled as you walked to her.

You planned to put your arms around her for a hug, only for her to move away before you could.

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you. But I see you were busy hanging out with your boyfriend."

"What?" You laughed in shock and disgust over her words. "Ew."

She didn't respond.

She just walked across the room, deep in thought as she paced around.

"Haewon, what's up with you?"

She turned around and stared at you, biting the inside of her cheek as she prepared to say the words out loud that she knew would break her own heart.

"Is that guy your boyfriend?"

"Why would you think that?" You wondered.

"Just tell me, y/n. Please! Are you dating? I need to know."

She looked worried and sad, the sight making your heart sink in your chest.

"Haewon," you spoke softly as you stepped closer to her.

"I need to know because I love you! If you're dating him, tell me. I need to move on if that's the case."

"You love me?" You asked as you stood in front of her.

She lowered her head, squeezing her eyes shut as she exhaled shakily over the confession that she just spoke to you out loud.


Your heart started to pound in excitement.


"You're going to make me say it again? Just to get my heart broken in the end?" She asked sadly as she lifted her head to gaze at you.

"No. I want to hear it because I love you too."

"You do?" She asked in shock.

"Yes. Of course I do." You said as you culled her cheeks.

"But what about that guy?"

"That guy is my cousin. Why do you think I said ew?"

She giggled as you brushed your thumbs across her cheeks.

Suddenly, she leaned in for a kiss, and when your lips met you swear that you felt sparks flying all around you.

"I've wanted to do that for so long." She whispered against your lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." You smiled. "And I've been wanting you to kiss me for as long as I can remember. Now that you have, don't stop anytime soon."

She just grinned before kissing you again.

As your hearts hammered against your chests and your lips moved in sync, it felt as though you'd found a place where you'd belonged.

You haven't felt so happy or so loved in so long.

And you didn't have to ask Haewon where you stood, because it was already obvious that you're together now.

And you feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

Haewon Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now