your stomach hurts before going on stage - NMIXX eighth member (requested)

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"Everyone ready?" Haewon asked as you all gathered around and took your spots before you'd go out on stage in a moment.

Tonight, for the very first time, you're performing at the MAMA's and you're feeling extremely nervous.

Not just because it's such a huge achievement and there's a lot of pressure on all of you to do well but also because you're not feeling all that well.

Your stomach is hurting.


It's almost to the point that you feel as though you can't go on with the performance.

But you don't want to let anyone down.

The girls are counting on you, the fans are counting on you, JYP is counting on you, the staff is counting on you - it doesn't end.

There are a lot of people counting on you and the girls and you can't back out.

Not this close to going on stage.

You sank your teeth into your lip in discomfort as your stomach continued to ache, nearly making you double over in pain.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Haewon asked as she came to your side, noticing that you looked extremely uncomfortable.

"Yeah." You mumbled as you held your stomach. "I'm fine."

"Is your stomach alright? Do you feel okay?"

You felt terrible for lying to her - your leader, your best friend, the girl that you adore so much.

But you didn't want to take any chances on ruining the performance in any way, so you nodded your head and pulled yourself together.

"I'm okay."

She knew you weren't and she wanted to press you more about it.

But before she could, a crew member came backstage and began to wave you all towards the stage.

"It's go time. Let's go!" He said.

You took a deep breath and tried to put your best foot forward.

You stepped on stage and heard the crowd go wild as they screamed at the top of their lungs for you and the girls.

It might've been the adrenaline coursing through your veins or the fact that you knew you had to keep going but you didn't feel your stomach aching for the duration of one of the songs.

But during your second one, it returned and with a vengeance.

"Let's roll the dice, yeah," Lily sang and you tried so hard to do the dance moves that you know like the back of your hand at this point.

However, the pain overwhelmed you and you ended up being unable to keep up as you bent over and held your stomach in pain.

Haewon and Jinni were the ones that you stood between, so they were the first ones to notice.

"Y/N? Are you alright?" Jinni asked as she put her hand on your back.

You shook your head and she looked at Haewon nervously.

"What's the matter?" Haewon asked.

The music stopped and the lights went down as people started to notice that something was wrong.

"My stomach really hurts." You groaned.

"You said you were fine. You lied to me?" Haewon asked.

As hurt as she was that you were dishonest with her, she knew it was more important that she get you backstage.

"You're sitting out of the rest of this performance." She said as she and Jinni guided you backstage into the dressing room.

"I have to go back. Are you coming?" Jinni asked Haewon, only to get a shake of her head in response.

"I'll explain everything to the team and the staff. Just go on and finish the performance. You'll all do great." She encouraged.

Jinni ran back onto the stage while Haewon held your hand as you moaned and groaned from the pain.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, breaking the silence in the air.

"I didn't want to let anyone down."

"Y/N, your health, and well-being will always come first, no matter what. When something like this happens, you have to tell me so I can take care of the situation and you. That's my job as not only the leader but as someone who genuinely cares about you, too."

You smiled a little and squeezed her hand.

"I'll be okay."

"I know." She said. "But until you are, I'm right here and I won't let go, I promise."

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