Chapter four

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Luka's pov

The last week has been very strange, with the twins being home, the energy in the house has changed. I've noticed that we should be happier because Giovanni and Alessandra are back but they aren't like they used to be. So, it's occurred to me that they're hiding something. I'm not sure what it could be but they're acting strange. For instant, Giovanni doesn't have the same goofy energy and personality he used to have. He hasn't tried to climb anything or anything, he acts like a shield between us and Alessandra. For some reason, he thinks we're going to hurt her and we're not. As for Alessandra, she's hasn't smiled once and I haven't heard her speak one word to us. Alessandra was the happiest baby and now I don't see any trace of that happy baby. Something is definitely wrong with the two of them. I can tell the others noticed but I don't know what they're thinking about this situation.

"Hai notato qualcosa che non va nei gemelli?" I asked, (Have you noticed anything wrong with the twins?) 

"Si, lo so che qualcosa non va non cosa," Pietro said, (Yes, I know something's wrong. I don't know what,) 

"Gil hai chiesto?" I asked, (Have you asked them?), 

"No, non voglio spaventarli," Pietro said, (No, I don't want to scare them,) 

"Perche chiedere li spaventa?" I asked, (Why would asking scare them?) 

"Perche non ci concoscono non si ricardano," Pietro said, (Because they don't know us, they don't remember),

 "Cosa facciamo?" I asked, (What do we do?) 

"Li conosciamo e aspettiamo che ce lo dicano," Pietro said, (We get to know them and wait for them to tell us,)

 "Vado a cercare i gemelli," I said, (I'm going to look for the twins,).

I left Pietro and started my search for the twins, if I could gain their trust, then maybe they'll let me into their world. I haven't seen them for so long that I'm not sure I know their favorite color anymore. I found the twins in Giovanni's room, they were watching a movie. I gently pushed the door open and they both looked up at me. Alessandra didn't make eye contact and Giovanni stood up like he was ready to fight. 

"What do you want?!" Giovanni demanded, 

"I thought we could hang out like we used to," I said, 

"I don't know if you realize this or not, but we don't know you and we want you to leave us alone," Giovanni said, 

"You do know us, we're family. We were so close when you two were little," I said, 

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but were not little anymore so quit trying to treat us like we're babies," Giovanni said,

 "Well, I hate to break it to you, but you two are the youngest so we're always gonna baby you," I said, 

"You don't get to baby us because we don't even know you so you can stop," Giovanni said, 

"Well, I may not have been around for most of your lives but I do know you two," I said, 

"Oh yeah, like what?" Giovanni asked, 

"Gio, you used to be such a trouble maker, our parents couldn't leave the room because you would be trying to climb something or getting into something. When they'd scold you, you'd laugh and it was pretty funny. Gabi, you were a happy baby. You had this smile that just lit up the room and it was so contagious, everyone wanted to do anything to make you smile," I said, 

"Who says we were like that?" Giovanni asked, 

"We do because we know you two, you just don't remember. I'd like to be close like we used to be and if you'd let me, I'd like to get back to where we were and show you how much we all care about about you two," I said, 

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