Chapter twelve

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Matteo's pov

There's been a change in the house. The atmosphere feels lighter, it feels like a weight has been lifted off the family. There seems to be less tension in the house. I don't know what's changed but something definitely did. The twins seem less tense and it seems like whatever they've been fighting about has been resolved. Pietro also seems different. I don't know how to explain it but there seems to be something different with him. He seems less angry, less anxious. He's happier. I wish I knew what happened to make this sudden change with the twins and Pietro. I know the twins will never tell me but maybe Pietro will.

"Pietro, ho bisogno di parlarti," I said, (Pietro, I need to talk to you)

"Che c'e, Matteo?" Pietro asked,  (What is it, Matteo?)

"Cos'e successo tra te e i gemelli?" I asked,

"Ho avuto una conversazione con Giovanni. Gli ho monstrato i risultati del DNA nella speranza che capisse che siamo una famiglia," Pietro said, (I had a conversation with Giovanni. I showed him the DNA results in hopes that he would realize we are family,)

"Com'e andata?" I asked, (How did that go?)

"Non mi ha creduto e ha chiesto di chiamare la signora Foster. Le ha parlato e poi abbiamo parlato. He capito alcune cose," Pietro said, (He didn't believe me and asked to call Mrs. Foster. He talked to her and then we talked. He understood some things,)

"Quali cose ha capito Gio?" I asked, (What things did Gio understand?)

"Perche i nostri genitori si sono separati, perche non sapevano di noi e, perche non siamo mai venuti a travarli," Pietro explained, (Why our parents split up, why they didn't know about us, and why we never visited them,)

"Quindi cosa accadde?" I asked, (Then what happened?)

"Mi ha abbracciato. Gio in realta mi ha abbracciato. Non avrei mai pensato che sarebbe successo," Pietro murmered, (He hugged me. Gio actually hugged me. I never thought that would happen,)

"Davvero?" I asked, (Really?)

"Si, davvero," Pietro said, (Yes, really)

"Questo lo spiega allora. Ho notato che non c'e piu tensione in casa," I said, (That explains it then. I noticed there isn't really any tension in the house,)

" Si, sembra piu leggero qui intorno," Pietro said, (Yes, it does feel lighter around here,)

"Forse ora i gemelli si sentiranno abbastanza a loro agio da dirci cosa e realmente successo prima d'ora," I said, (Maybe now, the twins will feel comfortable enough to tell us what really happened before now,)

"Possiamo sperare," Pietro said, (We can hope,)

After speaking with Pietro, I left his office and as I was making my way to my room, I heard voices in the living room. I peeked in and saw all Sebastiano, all three triplets, and both twins altogether. They were watching a movie and they seemed to be having a good time. The triplets were arguing playfully together, the twins were laughing while the movie was playing in the background. They all looked like normal siblings and it made my heart happy to see them so happy. I can only hope that we can keep the smiles on Gio and Ali's faces even with the work we do. I just hope we can protect them from the truth and protect them from our enemies that always want to take us down. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if the twins got hurt. We, I just got them back and I don't want to lose them again. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Giovanni's pov

I decided to give our brothers a chance for Ali's sake, if she feels comfortable then maybe I can also. So, when Luka, Emilio, and Antonio asked if we wanted to watch a movie with them and Sebastiano, I agreed. Ali and I followed them down the the living room where they proceeded to get into a fight about which movie to watch. Finally, Sebastiano put his foot down and chose and Avengers movie for us to watch. No one argued with Seb so he put the movie in and we settled down on the couch. Ali sat between Luka and I, she leaned on my shoulder and watched our brothers and the movie. Our brothers were constantly talking and cracking jokes, soon, we were laughing and having fun. I felt normal for the first time in a long time. 

The Lost TwinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora