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Women can't wear too much revealing clothing otherwise they're called a slut, but if they wear no revealing clothing, they're called basic.

Women can't walk alone on the street because of men who are predators.

Women can't become too skinny otherwise they're called anorexic, people say they "suck in," but if you're too fat, you "eat too much" and "you don't go to the gym" and suddenly no one wants you.

If you read too much, you're called a nerd. But if you read too little, you're called dumb.

If you date a lot of guys, you're called a whore. But if you don't date any, you're called modest.

If you wear makeup, guys say "be natural." if you wear none, guys say, "oh, she's not pretty, she needs makeup."

Guys never look at women's eyes, their eyes will always travel down to her chest.

Guys judge women in thirty seconds based on their face, butt, chest, and stomach and don't even care about their personality.

If women talk too much, they're told to shut up, and to let the guys talk. If women talk too little, they're told to speak their opinion and that "this isn't like old times anymore."

If women don't wear anything that shows off their body, they're called insecure. But if they wear something that gives them shape and confidence, they're called egotistical.

If women have too many pictures of themselves in their camera roll, they're called self-centered. If they don't have any, they're called self-conscious and diffident.

If women don't work out that much, they're called fat, weak, and lazy. If women go to the gym too much, they're called show-offs, and anorexics.

When women text the guy first, they're called desperate. But when they don't text first, they're called a player, and they're just going to ghost the guy.

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