Chapter two

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I was seven when this happened. When my mom started drinking again. She would sometimes neglect me. It hurt so much to see her like this. But I just thought she was sick. I was seven, I didn't fully understand those things.


I slowly walked up to mommy, who was sitting on the couch, inhaling the smoke from that brown thing again, watching TV.

"Mommy? Can I go play with Izuku please..?"

She looked at me, and just nodded. As if she doesn't even care. I didn't think anything of it, and went outside. It was a nice bright sunny day out. The neighbors kids were all playing in their front yard. Their parents; mothers. We're out watching them, sitting in a chair smiling.

I sigh, wishing my mom was like that.
I went out to the playground to sit on the swing. I just sat on the for a couple hours until I decided to go back in. Mommy was probably going to be worried.

I walked in the house, closing the door behind me, and taking my shoes off at the door. I walked into the living room, only to find mommy asleep on the couch, with a bottle of pills next to her, and a brown glass bottle on the table. There was also a brown stick looking thing on the table in a thin round tray.

I sighed, and went to the closet next to the TV. I grabbed a blanket out of the closet. I walked back into the living room and put the blanket on her, so she would be warm.

She reeked of something I couldn't really pinpoint, but it smelt really bad.


Age 11

Now I'm pretty sure mommy doesn't care about me. I keep making up random names, asking to go play outside with them, and she would just nod and go back to smoking.

Oh yeah, I know what it's called now. I've been taught about it in school, someone got caught smoking today, they were really young. So the teachers had a lecture about it and that kid got in big trouble.

I know that she smokes, and drinks something we call beer and liquor. The pills are unprescribed, and everything she's doing is illegal.

Anyway, I know she doesn't care about me. She hasn't once asked to meet Izuku or his mom, and she doesn't even know what Izuku looks like. What if he was an old man or a kidnapper?

Well it wouldn't matter anyway. Because the name Izuku is completely made up. Yep. Izuku isn't real. I made him up to be able to go outside, but I'm pretty sure mom wouldn't care if I went out anyway.

Right now, I'm in the clothing store with mommy. She's actually sober for once. I asked her to get me new clothes, and like always, she said yes.

So now we're out shopping for clothes. Sometimes I wonder how she gets the money for this, but she just does.

I get as much clothes and under-clothes as I can, because times like these are very rare. A sober Mitsuki? Not something you see everyday.

I got three new pair of shoes, seven different outfits, and 2 packs of socks. I also got three new pair of pajamas.

I walked out of the store holding some things, and mom also had some of my bags in her hand.

"Is that all sweetie?" She asked, politely. I nodded, and we went to the car. Times like these, she likes to spoil me with anything I want.

She drove home, and I went to my room to put my things away. She went downstairs to smoke. The whole house reeked of weed.

I sighed, and put my headphones in to listen to music, so I could get some rest. Tomorrow I'm starting my first day of 6th grade.

I slowly close my eyes to fall asleep, while listening to riptide.

Another update coming right after because I forgot to update

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