Chapter three

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This is the present now, so the font will be normal.

Age 15

Today was my first day at UA. I thought I wasn't gonna get accepted, but it turns out I did! That's very exciting! I'm so glad I got in. I can't wait to tell mom, I hope she's sober today. I need to buy uniform and shoes.

I take my headphones out, and walk into the kitchen, where mom was. I don't know what she was doing in there, but she's doing one out of three things

1. Taking pills/drugs
2. Smoking
3. Drinking

I open the door, and to my luck, she was actually sober. I smile and walk into the kitchen, to where she was.

She was cooking food on the stove. It looks like she's steaming Bao buns. They look super delicious!

I slowly walk towards her, just to make sure she's sober. Because sometimes she cooks even when drunk. But she ends up burning it and I would have to turn the stove off, and get her to sit down and sober up. But no matter how much water she drinks at once, she will still be drunk.

She just needs a couple hours of rest and a glass of water to actually be able to sober up.

Anyways, I'm not right beside her, thinking if I should ask or not.

"Mom.. could we go shopping please? I need to buy uniform and I need a couple new pair of shoes, and new clothes.."

She turned to me, and nodded smiling.

"Of course honey, we can go right now, and I'll just get Ishimada to watch the food!"

She walked out of the kitchen, smiling hard. Oh, I forgot to tell you. Miss Ishimada is the a kind girl mom hired to watch over me while she's wasted.

Miss Ishimada is like the mom I've never had. She helps me do things, she cooks for me, helps me clean, and does a lot more things.

I even asked to go out to play with Izuku, and she asked me who Izuku was. I was so happy she asked that, because it meant she actually cared who I went out with. I told her Izuku was a close friend of mine, and she asked to meet him and his mom.

After that I was jumping in excitement. Mom has never asked who Izuku was or asked to meet him or his mom. So I was really happy for that. I ended up telling her that he was imaginary, and we both ended up laughing. That was a great memory. Probably the best one I had with her. I was 8 at the time.

Anyway, I walked out of the kitchen, and into the living room, where I saw mom grabbing her purse and jacket. She had beautiful blonde hair, a little lighter than mine.

 She had beautiful blonde hair, a little lighter than mine

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Let's do a little time skip. I want to get this over with.

First day of UA.

I walks through the big door with an A on it. There was a lot of people in the hallways.

I sighed, walking through the long halls. Looking for class 1-A. The paper said it should be in A hall, and that's where I'm at. I just need to look for it.

I walked around for a couple seconds, until I finally found it. 'Finally!' I thought as I wasted no time opening the door. There was a couple people in here, and they all stared at me for a split second, until they went back to doing whatever they were doing.

There was a pink girl with pink hair talking to... a floating uniform..? Uh.. anyways, there was this kid with red spiky hair and shark teeth. He looked a little weird, whatever.

I looked up at the front of the room, where it had a clear screen and a fancily designed desk. I thought it looked cool. I walked to the desk in the front, because yes.

I sat and drew a few things whilst waiting for class to start. I sighed, having finished my sketch.

It was a simple sketch of my mom. It only took me 10 minutes to draw, and I smiled at how good it looked

 It only took me 10 minutes to draw, and I smiled at how good it looked

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(Let's pretend it's not colored.)

As I was putting my things away, I saw a few more people come in. I saw a very familiar person walk in. He had green hair, wide green eyes, and freckles. My eyes widened as I watched him walk to the seat behind me.

I turned around to face him, and he was staring right at me. His eyes were glowing in the sun, which was shining in through the window.

"Izuku..?" I said, unsure if it was actually him. The person that doesn't even exist. He looked just like how I imagined him.

"Hello, Katsuki!" I was confused on how he knew my name, I mean, Izuku isn't even real, so this couldn't be him. It just had to be another person, right? Izuku was also quirkless, that's how I imagined him.

So how did he get into UA? Maybe that's just another person.

"Izuku.. are you real..?" Izuku chuckled, and nodded. Now I was confused, super confused. How was Izuku real? He's completely made up. Maybe this is a hallucination?

"I'm real Katsuki. You didn't make me up, I've always been real. We grew up together remember?"

My confusion grew even bigger, I had so many questions. I hadn't even 'talked' to Izuku since I was 8. I was about to ask a question, but the bell ring. So I quickly turned around.

Soon enough, a homeless man walked in. He looked so tired and out of it. Just like mom. Does he also drink?

The homeless man rudely tells everyone to shut up, and clears his throat.

"Hello problem children, I'm your home room teacher, Shota Aizawa."

The whole class' eyes widened, and some gasped. Probably because of his appearance they, I think that's why they were all surprised.

Forgot to say Bakugo is completely OOC as you can see

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