Chapter seven

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At the end of the day me and Izuku walked to my house in comfortable silence. Izuku was on his phone while I just stared ahead.

We eventually made it to my house and I didn't bother pulling out my key. I opened the door which was unsurprisingly unlocked and Izuku walked in after me, locking the door.

"Izuku do you want some fruit? I have to go grocery shopping so we don't have any food."

"No, thats fine Katsuki!"

I nodded and the we both went up to my room. I sat on my bed and Izuku sat on the spinning chair.

Soon after, Mom walked in. Her bright yellow hair puffy and curly. She had two white trays, which I'm guessing is food. Her eyes are red and she can barely even stand.

"Hey boys, sorry I'm late. I was caught up in something, anyways, I got you takeout because I know we don't have any food, it's spring rolls, spicy ramen spring rolls."

"Okay mom, thank you!"

I grabbed the food and closed the door after she walked out. I sat it on my desk and sat back down on my bed.

"Katsuki why won't you eat?"

"I can't take anything spicy, I have a very low spice tolerance.."

I stood up and went downstairs to get something else to eat, but I stopped when I saw mom in the kitchen. There was another man in there. They were both smoking.


Orange hair..

Brown eyes..


They both stopped to look at me, and he waved, then went back to smoking.

"Katsuki, what are you doing down here?"

"Um, I was hungry, and I couldn't eat spring rolls.."

She looked confused, but shrugged it off. She took a sip of what I'm guessing is vodka. She pulled out her credit card from her back pocket and gave it to me.

"You can go grocery shopping sweetie, I'll put the groceries away when you come back, and I'll make you some food 'kay?"

I nodded, and smiled walking away. I went to my room, where Izuku was sitting on my bed, on his phone per usual. "Izuku I'm gonna change, I'll be right back." He nodded and didn't even take his eyes off of his phone. Seriously, what's on his phone that's keeping him so occupied?

Anyways I went to my closet and took out literally anything. Just a pair of black sweats and a black t-shirt. They were right next to each other anyway.

I changed right there because why not? It's my room and Izuku isn't paying attention anyways. I grabbed some black socks and crocs and put them in my feet. There, ready to go.

"Izuku, do you want to go to the grocery store with me?"


We both left the house and walked to the grocery store. I'll just call and ask mom to pick me up after.

In the grocery store, I got a buggy and just walked around picking up things I think me and mom need or would like.

After I think I got enough we went to the check out, and the nice lady rung everything up. The total came to 15,000 yen. I swiped the card, and thankfully it got accepted. Seriously, how does mom get all of this money? She doesn't have a job.

The lady bags up everything and I take some and give some to Izuku, who's listening to music. I sighed and walked out. Change of plans, I won't call mom. There were only four bags, two in my hand and two in Izukus, so we could just walk the rest of the way.

As we were walking, a thought ran past my mind. If dad was back, does that mean he would be a better person now? I really hope so. All I can do now is hope for the best.

I yelped out when I ran into something. I looked up and saw the door. I didn't realize we had made it home, I was literally in my thoughts for like 10 seconds. Whatever.

I opened the door and walked into the kitchen, where I saw mom and dad smoking. I sighed and placed the bags on the island counter and smiled.

"Thank you for getting groceries Katsuki, are you still hungry?"

I nodded and went through the bags, I took out a small bigs which were filled with tomatoes and onions. We already had the other ingredients for tomato soup, so I just got tomatoes.

"Um yeah, can you make tomato soup please?" Mom nodded and I thanked her and walked out with a smile. I surely didn't miss the growl that dad let out while I walked away. I could feel his glare digging into my back.

I sighed and went up to my room, where Izuku was, once again on his phone. Well I guess I should go on mine too.

After about an hour of watching YouTube shorts, I fell asleep. I actually didn't know I fell asleep until morning.

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