Chapter ten

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It was the next day. The sun was shining freely from the curtains that were now open. I stirred in my sleep as the sun shone onto my face.

I groaned and sat up, opening my eyes. I didn't see Izuku, so I'm guessing he left. I shrugged and got out of bed then stretched before going to my closet to get my uniform.

After I put it on, brushed my teeth and did a few touches to my hair, I went downstairs where I only saw dad. Mom was usually always awake to make me breakfast.. weird.

"Hey dad, Goodmorning! Do you know where mom is?"

He shrugged and shook his head. My smile faltered a little but I just nodded. I grabbed yogurt out of the fridge and opened it, throwing in a few blueberries and granola. I took a spoon then left.

On my way to school I saw Izuku talking to another person, he looked at me and smiled and waved before turning back to the person. I waved back, but he didn't see me. I continued my way to school and made it to class with five minutes to spare.

I saw Izuku come in a few minutes later, and the teacher was right behind him. After everyone was seated, he explained to us about how we would have 2 extra hours of each class, so we'd get out a little around 7 pm. He also informed our parents,so that kind of relieved me a little.

An hour into class the teacher was interrupted by a loud phone ringing. I blushed in embarrassment when I saw everyone staring at me.I picked up my phone and saw that it social worker?? It was the lady that checked my house a couple years ago to make sure it was safe when dad got arrested. She hasn't called in years.

"Katsuki you know your not allowed to have phones in class, your supposed to keep them in your locker."

"I'm sorry sir, but can I take this? It's urgent."

"Fine, five minutes."

I nodded and stood up, walking out of class. When I was out I finally answered the phone and put it to my ear.

I was immediately met with Anna's frantic voice that had fear in it and she was talking so fast that I couldn't understand what she was saying.

"I-I'm sorry I can't understand yo-"



"S-she was found in her bedroom earlier today, she had multiple stab wounds on her torso and more than 50 pills of fentanyl were found digested in her system, causing her a slow and painful death. We-"

"wait.. WHAT??!!" I said as tears started trickling down my face. Hoping it was all just a lie, or a misunderstanding.

"I'm sorry kid, someone will be there in less than five minutes to pick you up, sorry you had to hear this. Your father was the cause of her death, he forced her to take a lot of pills and taped her mouth shut, forcing her to swallow them all, she died from both overdose and suffocation. he admitted to everything."

After hearing that, I dropped my phone and covered my mouth to hold in the loud, ugly sobs I know that were about to come out. But I couldn't, I was left there with tears streaming down my face sobbing. A couple seconds later the teacher came out with a concerned look on his face.

He didn't even ask why I was crying, and bent down to comfort me. I started crying loudly in his arms and a few teachers even came out of there class to ask what was wrong.

Then I saw Anna coming down the halls. She looked sad and was probably looking for me. I stood up, and ran to her. Embracing her in a tight warm hug. She hugged back and rubbed my back for comfort.

"I'm sorry, Katsuki."

"I-I just c-can't believe he would d-do something l-like t-that.."

"I know, I know. She loved him so much"

"She was all I had left, I-I can't l-live without her!"


Anna escorted me out of the school, and by time we got to her car, I was kind of calmed. She opened the door for me and I sat down, and buckled my seat belt. She closed it and went to the drivers seat and also buckled her seat belt.

The ride was painfully silent. None of us said a word, the only noise was my occasional sniffling, and the sound of the rain that was now getting heavier by the second.

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