Chapter six

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I forgot to update soz

I woke up the next morning with a huge headache. My head hurt and my throat was sore. I sat up with a pain filled groan and rubbed my eyes.

I opened them and the sun was shining through through my half open blinds. I sighed not wanting to get up for school.

I got up and made my bed before walking to my closet. I grabbed my uniform and a pair of black socks.

I quickly changed my clothes and ran downstairs, suddenly feeling thirsty. I went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water, I looked into the dining room and mom sitting at the table, asleep. She had her head on the table and her arm was near a glass of liquor.

I sighed and grabbed a glass and filled it with faucet water before downing the the water in a matter of seconds. I sat the glass on the counter and walked into the dining room, where mom was.

I grabbed the half empty liquor bottle and poured the horrible substance out, chucking the glass into the trash can. I grabbed the glass which had liquor in it and poured the liquor into the sink, and washed the glass.

I smiled walking to the door to put my shoes on. I grabbed my jacket, phone, and keys before walking out the door.

I walked into a nearby cafe, coffee would do me some good today. I walked up the the front and waited for the cashier to come.

When she did I was surprised when I saw who it was. It was my old classmate, from middle school.

"Hi! Welcome and good morning, what can I get for you today?"

I took a moment to look at the menu, and decided I would just get a plain black coffee with sugar.

"Um black coffee please, with liquid sugar."

She nodded, and started doing whatever she was doing with the cash register. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Coffee is free for our first customer, I'll be right back with your coffee."

She walked into the back to go back the coffee, and I sat there wondering if she really remembered me. We had every period together, and sometimes we even worked together.

She came back a few minutes later with my coffee, and she handed it to me, which I gladly took.

"Thank you, have a nice day ma'am!" I said as I started walking to the door.

"Your welcome, Katsuki."

I opened the door and left, with a smile. She she was like the only friend I had in middle school, the only person who would actually talk to me.

I continued my walk down to the school, sipping on my coffee. By time I reached the school, I had finished my coffee, so I dumped it into the trash bin outside the gate.

I slid my student ID across the screen, and the gates opened. I walked through with my hands in my pocket. I'm a bit early today it seems.

As I was walking through the peaceful hallways, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and was immediately met with a bone crushing hug from... Izuku? Oh, Izuku!

I hugged back and started telling him about my night. I told him about how much sleep I got, and how I didn't wake up to nightmares.

Izuku chuckled at my rambling and said, "It looks like your night went well."

I nodded with a huge smile on my face. We reached the classroom and I walked in behind Izuku. I didn't realize how long we had been talking but I know we're already 5 minutes late.

"Bakugo. Why are you late?"

"Sorry sir! I didn't realize how late I was.."

Why didn't he say anything to Izuku?

I quickly sat down in my seat, and paid attention to whatever he had to say. Halfway into the lesson Izuku kept giving me notes. I didn't know why, but I tried to focus but he just kept tapping my shoulder giving me notes.

Five minutes later he taps my shoulder again. I sigh and hold my hand out to take the note, and he places it in my hand.

I opened it and read it. I sighed at how dumb it was, it was just another note saying hi or hello in different languages. I took more notes on what the teacher had to say, just hoping class would be over soon.

By the end of class, Izuku had stopped handing me notes, but my desk had a lot of paper. They were all the notes Izuku kept giving me during class.

I just left the papers there, leaving whoever comes in this class next to clean it out. I grab my things and walk out of the classroom side-by-side with Izuku.

"Izuku, why did you give me all those notes in class..?"

Izuku looked at me confused. "What do you mean? I didn't come to class.."

Now I was confused, I met with him in the hallway, and walked into class with him.


"Katsuki did you take your pills today?"

Oh. Snap. I guess that's why Aizawa-san didn't say anything to Izuku during class, and that's probably why he didn't say anything when he looked at me weirdly when I kept turning around.

"No.. I forgot.."

Izuku smiled and patted my shoulder. "Don't worry, I have extra in my locker for you, incase of emergencies!" I smiled and hugged him as a thanks.

We went to his locker before next period, and I quickly took two pills with some water from my water bottle.

After that, we walked to next period, and the day went by pretty much smoothly

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