Going Seventeen 2020 Ep. 8

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It was after their photoshoot and the members were resting in the dressing room, when the staff informed them to gather outside for a bit.

They were still dressed in the last outfit, variety of suits, when pd-nim said that it was Hoshi's episode of Going Seventeen.

Lila's first reaction was scrunching her forehead in confusion, because they never shot an episode that late especially the same day as a prior schedule. Concerns her filming restrictions, being a minor and all.

Hoshi was explaining the rules of the game, but honestly she was zoning out a bit. And Woozi noticing it went beside her to keep her sane.

The staff brought out the mats and bed also the heart monitor and gave it to Jeonghan as they will take turns by age, starting from the oldest.

Lila felt S.Coups' absence more in situations like this, but she kept reminding herself that he needs all the rest he can get for his health.

Once Jeonghan lied down, the members started exposing him one by one. She can't help but laugh at some of their stories as most of them are true, but also feeling a little scared of them for exposing things easily.

What would they say if it was my turn? Lila's thoughts drift from that to the members' funny stories.

She mostly contributed by laughing, because she doesn't want to disrespect her older members by saying stories about them.

But when it was Hoshi's turn, she couldn't keep quiet anymore. Knowing she is always the weakness of the members, more so for Hoshi and DK, Jeonghan crept beside her and whispered, "Lila, do you want to say something for Hoshi? I think his heart rate will spike up if you talk."

Knowing that is definitely true, she nodded and patiently wait for her turn.

"Our Maknae has a story." Jeonghan said gaining the members' attention.

"Remember our practice for Caratland?" She asked.

The members are starting to react when they realized where this was going.

"I told everyone to not come to my solo dance rehearsal. It was supposed to be a surprise to Carats and also to you guys. I always wait for everyone to leave before starting my practice. I thought it was going smoothly, maybe because I first practiced without any of our Unnie and Oppa dancers." Lila said.

"I know this so well." Some members kept saying.

"But when I have other dancers in the practice, I think it was the third time. As usual I waited for you to leave, then went to the practice room. The music was playing loud and we were messing around with steps at first, thankfully not the real choreo, because apparently Hoshi oppa was posing as a back up dancer just to find out my dance number." Lila said with more frustration, as she was recalling that day, but still smiling.

"Kwon Hoshi, waaah!" Seungkwan said going beside Hoshi to tease more.

Hoshi's face was smiling very big trying to keep his eyes closed.

"Hoshi-ya, that's too much. Really." Jeonghan teased more.

The whistle finally blew and Hoshi's eyes opened. He was just laughing until he stood up and passed the monitor to Woozi.

He went straight to Lila and hugged the female. "Oppa's sorry again."

"It's okay, Oppa. All in the past."

Eventually came Lila's turn. She was calming herself on Vernon's turn until the very last second she had to wear the monitor.

The whistle blew to start her off. Once she laid down with eyes closed, the members started talking.

"There aren't a lot of embarrassing stories to tell." Seungkwan said.

"Should we just tell old stories?" Dokyeom asked. Everyone agreed.

"I first saw her as a young trainee, right?" Seungkwan started. "I only heard there will be a new trainee from overseas, I didn't know it was a girl. When I first saw her, I thought she was a staff's daughter or something."

"When she first entered the training room, she was so small, like a walking doll." Said Vernon, which members agreed to.

"We're really careful of our words, so you can go home, Aegi. It will be past your broadcast time." Dokyeom said, ended up making everyone laugh, including Lila.

"Let me just share one thing before her time ends." Mingyu started. "There were some of us who were not okay with having a female member, without knowing it was Lila. So when the announcement of the member came, I was looking at the floor."

Some members agreed that they did it too.

"Then when the door opened, I only saw two small feet. That made me look up and I saw the most adorable person ever." Mingyu said while pinching the air.

"I immediately went to her, she must be so scared then. There were a lot of people bigger than her." Jeonghan said.

"Now we shared a good memory, we can now share a not so good one, right?" Dino asked.

"I got one." Hoshi said. "It was from Project 17. It's the one time Lila got upset with us."

"Aaahh!" Members shouted in chorus, as they also remember the incident.

"Lila was still in Grade school that time when we started filming. It was the end of the year, so it was also end of the term exams. But then the management announced that there will be a busking the same day of her exams. It's also an important performance because we will be judged separately." Hoshi said with a smile on his face.

"We were really mean back then." Jun said quietly.

"When we started our practice, she always arrived a few minutes late because of school. She was always sorry about that and made up with her performance. But when she still didn't arrive past her expected time, we got this idea to prank her a little."

"Who was the mastermind again?" Woozi asked.

Then everyone pointed to one person, Dokyeom. Lila still didn't know who it was. They better not cut this part, she was thinking.

"When she arrived, we were all standing in front of the mirror. We agreed that I will act angry to someone and when I see her, my anger will go to her." Hoshi said, then took a breath. "She opened the door quietly, she was still in her uniform then. Once I saw her, I started getting angry at her. I was really pulling off the prank. She was just standing by the door with her head low. She just kept on saying sorry. Eventually, my "anger" dissipated and she went to the back room to put her things in her locker. When she was away, we were all quiet. I remember DK broke the silence. What did you say again?" Hoshi faced DK and asked.

"I think I said, "Soonyoung hyung, daebak." I can't remember. But you all laughed after that." Said DK looking up.

"It was supposed to be a prank, but this Hyung took it too far." Seungkwan said while tapping Hoshi's head.

"Aegi, I'm sorry again." Hoshi said after the laughter died down.

Lila just laughed until the whistle blew signalling her time is up.

When she opened her eyes, there were tears in them from holding her laughter too much. Jeonghan immediately stood up and went near her.

Thankfully, the staff didn't waste time to announce the winners for the first round.

Alongside Jeonghan, DK and The8, Lila gets to go home as well. Making the staff relieved.

"Remember, I have a summoning ticket." Hoshi reminded while we are walking out of the camera line. "Lila-ya, don't worry. We can't summon you anymore."

With the members laugh echoing, the four went to the dressing room to change and get ready to go home.

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