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There is an on going new survival show for male trainees. They were asked to appear to give out some tips and review the performances.

Since she already graduated, she can freely join in on important shows that she couldn't before due to school, she immediately agreed to go.

There had been a lot of shows she couldn't accept due to her situation, she was really in demand for being the only female in a male dominant group.

Alongside Coups and Joshua, they were headed to the location of the program.

"The recording is on going for the trainees. They are currently practicing for their respective tasks and in a few, they will be instructed to come in a room where one of you are in." The pd briefed us. "Then we will cue them to meet you."

They were all nodding in understanding at the instructions. They were already styled and ready for recording, so they were just in the briefing room waiting.

"Don't hesitate to inform us if you have any concerns, big or small. Okay?" The pd mostly directed the question to Lila, she nodded at that.

After a while they were instructed to go to a room.

"Your phone is with you, okay?" Coups said to Lila before they part ways.

"If anything feels off, you inform anyone. Okay?" Joshua said.

Lila laughed lightly at their concern, touched by them. "Of course. Have fun, okay?" She said while waving at them.

She was escorted to an empty room and waited for anyone to come in.

"You can sit down first, Lila-ssi. They are still being briefed about what will happen." Said by the pd that was with her in the room.

"Oh, yes. It's okay though. I was actually sitting for a long time before arriving here. It's good to stand up for a while." She explained.

After a while, she heard someone by the door. She looked at the camera and gestured to keep quiet, while all smiles and visibly excited.

When the first trainee entered, she couldn't help her smile to widen upon seeing his surprised face.

"Annyeonghasaeyo." She greeted first and bowed as the trainee is too stunned to speak.

She was trying to comfort the trainee and wanted to calm him down, so he can be seated. "I'm Lila from Seventeen. Nice to meet you." She reached for a handshake.

Eventually, the room was filled with 31 trainees. She was seated at the center in front waiting for the pd to finish with the briefing.

"For the first part, you can ask her for any advise or questions you may have." The pd explained. Everyone shoot up their hands to be called by Lila.

"Woah." She can't help exclaim by their eagerness. "Yes, Geum Jun Hyeon Trainee?" She said after scanning their names.

As she mentioned his name, he held his hands by his open mouth. "I really wanted to brag to my friends now." They all laughed at that. "Before I forget my question, what does it feel to be in a group with 13 male members?"

She laughed at his cuteness. "At first I was very worried, not by the members but with the public's reaction. It may not be the first coed group, but with the ratio of members it is." The trainees were listening intently. "I was worried of the negative impact with our group, especially if I was the cause." Lila looked at the trainees and see them nodding and understanding her.

"When we debuted, I expected a harsh perception towards me and I was correct. I almost wanted to quit because it's affecting our group. But my members were always there for me and I realized, 'Ah, so this is what they say when teamwork is built with trust and love.'. Although there are still some people who says harsh things towards me, I can never please everybody. I'll just try my best to give back the love and support of those who do love us, while still enjoying and staying true to myself." They applauded her.

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