Chapter One

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Anastasia P.O.V

I wake up opening my eyes to the loud sound of laughter. Lifting my head, I look around my room. No one in here. Must be coming from the living room, which is next door from my room. The laughing gets louder. Ugh, looks like I won't be sleeping in this Saturday morning. Getting up, I go use the restroom. Christ I need to pee. When I finish up, only in my sports bra and boy cut underwear, half awake, I leave my room.

"Anastasia! Oh my, I'm so sorry! Anastasia, go put some clothes on right now!" Mom says. We moved here last week and I already know my way to the bathroom and kitchen without opening my eyes. Yep, that takes skill. Well, that and not being a morning person with countless times of tripping over something and running into walls. Half opening my eyes to see what my mom is fussing about I open my eyes.

Well, this definitely wakes me up. In my living room is a woman who must be in her late thirties and a boy around my age. My mom is giving me the death stare, my dad, Ray is laughing his head off I almost think his eyes are going pop out.

"Uh, what, I-I-I d-didn't mean-wait I j-just got up." I stutter, still trying to process all of this. Feeling myself blush, I run back to my room slamming the door shut.

"Honey, um, can you put some clothes on and come out please?" My mom calls. Sighing, I get up from leaning on my door, and walk towards my dresser. I grab my boyfriend's black sweats. Okay, ex-boyfriend. Although I hate him for what he did to me, but come on, what girl doesn't love guy sweats. I put on a plain white t-shirt and put my hair into a messy bun and fix my bangs before leaving the room. I reappear slowly.

"Annie, you should've seen your face, when you came out in your underwear!" My dad says between hysterical laughter. My mom stands up, swatting my dad on the arm.

"Grace, this is my daughter, Anastasia. Ana, this is our neighbor, Grace." My mother introduces. I smile and lean over to shake Grace's hand. I have morning breath so I smile at her with my lips closed.

"It's lovely to meet you." Grace says, smiling sweetly. I have a feeling I'm going to like this woman.

"You too, sorry about earlier. If I had known we had company, I wouldn't have come out like that, honestly." I say.

"Nonsense, this is your house. You have the right to walk around your house in only your underwear. Hell, you have the right to walk around naked." She laughs. Yep, I totally like this woman. I laugh along and hear my mom join in. Once we stop, Grace looks over to the very attractive teenage boy next to her.

"This is my son, Christian." I look over to him, smiling again.

"Hi." He says, offering his hand. I take it, looking into his amazing, intense, bright gray eyes.

"Hi." We let go after a few seconds. Glancing over, I see both our mothers giving us the same creepy smile. Like that's not weird at all. Hence the sarcasm.

"So..." I say, breaking the awkward silence.

"So, we've been invited to dinner at the Greys' house tonight." My mom announces.

"Okay." I say, trying to escape to my room.

"Where are you going?" Mom asks.

"My room."

"Alright, don't be too long." Mom calls to my disappearing back. "Grace, Dad, and I are going to get something to eat for lunch. It's such a pretty day today, too. Perfect day for the park. How about you two go ahead and eat something here, and then meet us at the park later." My mother says grabbing her keys and her bag.

"That's a great idea. Since you just moved here, Christian can show you around. Even introduce you to some other people." Adds Grace yelling in the general direction of my room.

"Why don't we just go with you?" Christian asks quietly, but I can still hear him.

"Yeah, I mean if we are all going out for food then the park." I say leaning against my bedroom door while I brush my teeth.

"I guess." They both say in unison.

"Let's go, let's go! I'm starving! Who's in the mood for some burgers?" Dad asks cheerfully. Oh, dad. I roll my eyes and Christian gives me an odd look.

"Uneeda Burger? Are you two okay with that?" Mom asks the Greys, they nod and smile.

"Okay, Uneeda Burger it is."

"Hell yes. I'm so hungry, I could eat a cow. I practically am going to since hamburgers are made out of cows." My dad jokes. We all laugh a little, and then start heading out.

"Sweetie, don't you want to change out of those sweats? Wait aren't those-" Dad interrupts her. Thank fuck.

"Ugh, it'll take her forever to get ready. Can't we just go, I haven't eaten all day." Dad complains while gently tugging on mom and Grace out the front door.

"Christian, honey, why don't you two meet us there?"

"Uh, sure mom." He says while sitting back down on our sofa.

"Great, see you two soon." With that, they shut the door, leaving ma and Christian alone.

"Don't worry; I'll be ready in like thirty minutes. Would be sooner, but I need a shower. I'll be quick. You can watch TV while you wait."

"Alright." He replies with a deep sigh, reaching for the remote. Shit, I've annoyed him.

I go to my bathroom and jump in the shower. When I get out, I open the cabinet looking for a towel.

Nothing. Typical Ana.

Sighing, I put my clothes back on and head for my room. I put on black jean short-shorts and a turquoise tank-top. I leave my hair down, it'll take forever to dry if I put it up. I grab my phone before leaving my room. Christian turns the TV off and stands, "Well that was fast." he says while walking out the door.

"Told ya." I say as I follow him outside.

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