Chapter Six

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Anastasia P.O.V

When I wake up, something is wrapped around my waist. Opening my eyes, I lift the covers. Holy shit! I'm nude and there's an arm pulling me to a body behind me. I feel someone breathing on my neck, also something is pressing into my butt. And I'm very sore.

"Morning." Someone whispers in my ear and I can feel their smile. What happened last night?! I was on the phone with Luke and then Christian came into his room with champagne. We played Never Have I Ever and then—oh crap!

I had sex with Christian.

He's my friend though, but we did have that deal. I hope he sticks to our deal. I turn around to face him, his gray eyes lock with mine. Wow, they're really pretty. I've never noticed how much depth they have, how much secrets they must hold. Christian smiles again, one of those boyish smiles, and my heart skips a beat. Wait, no, no, no. No heart, don't do that!

"Uh, morning." I say, biting on my lower lip.

His eyes widen as he looks at my lip, then he says, "Do you regret it?" He asks and I can hear the concern in his voice.

"No, of course not." I stammer, "I probably wouldn't have done it if I hadn't drank so much, but no. I don't regret it."

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yes, Christian." I say smiling at him.

"Good, cause I sure as hell didn't." He grins causing me to laugh.

"Good." Silence fills the air, while our eyes are locked. Like magnets, we lean forward. Our lips touch, giving me another shiver. I think I really like this shiver I get whenever we kiss. Christian asks for entrance, I allow it. I've kissed other guys before, but when I kiss Christian, it's different. Kissing him is different. Like every kiss is full of passion and lust. Ana, stop putting so much thought into this. Wow, I sound like such a romantic. I haven't even kissed him enough to know if I have these kinds of feelings towards him. Last night all we did was have sex, only sex. Nothing more. This is just a simple morning kiss. Yeah, just a morning greeting. Couples give morning kisses and—wait, couples?! Heck no!

"Ana, you okay?" Christian asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. But I need a shower. Why?"

"Because you stopped kissing me back."

"Oh, I was jus—"

Knock, knock, knock.

My heart stops, and by the look on Christian's pale face, I can tell his did too. Why are our moms back so early? Shouldn't they still be passed out from a hangover? They said they wouldn't be back until this afternoon.

The knocking gets louder.

"Dude, get up. My mom kicked me out again." It's a male voice.

"Shit." Christian whispers.

The knocking turns into pounding.

"Cover your ears." Christian says quietly to me. I do as I'm told.

"Dude! Stop with that shit. I got a hangover." Christian says loudly. I grimace, covering my ears didn't help.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know. I'll go into the kitchen and make some coffee." The guy says. I give Christian a who-the-hell-was-that look.

"That was Austin. He sometimes lives with us, when his parents kick him out." He whispers. Christian sits up; I wrap the covers closer to my naked body. Getting up, he starts looking for something on the ground.

I try unsuccessfully not to look at his naked self, but I can't help it. Damn. How the hell did that thing fit inside me?! Now I know why I'm so sore! God, why does staring at it make me want to pounce on him? Why does staring at his naked, attractive, untouchable body, make me want him so bad? Because it felt amazing last night. Touching him, kissing him, and feeling his bare body pressed against mine felt amazing. I want to run my fingers through his soft—WHAT THE HELL ANA?! Stop, just stop thinking this! He is your friend and only that. Nothing more. What happened last night was just a one-time thing.

Realizing that I'm still looking at his 'thing', I immediately look up. Shit. He's been watching me with a stupid smirk on his face. I look down, trying to hide my blush. Man, I must look like a tomato. I glance up, finding Christian opening his mouth to say something when there's another knock at the door. This one is softer.

Christian bends down, putting on his sweats. He grabs my underwear and hands it to me before going into a corner, his back facing me.

"Seriously?" I ask, putting on my underwear.


"You already saw me naked."

"Well, I just thought you'd might like some, uh, privacy."

"Thanks, you can turn around." I say, finishing with my bra. Standing up, I look around for my clothes. There's another soft knock at the door. Christian walks up to it.

"Dude, what the hell?!" Christian says with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Um, I really need your help with something." Austin says through the door.

"Just hold on, let me get some coffee first, okay?" Christian says softly.

"Okay, man." Austin answers.

Looking over at me, Christian mouths, "Are you ready?"

"Mmhmm." I nod back.

He unlocks the door and walks out. I follow him, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. There's a person with neon green hair sitting at the island, I'm guessing he's Austin. Austin lifts his head when we enter the room.

"I can explain." Austin begins. He doesn't seem to notice me.

"Coffee first." Christian says flatly, walking past him. Getting two mugs down, he pours the liquid into them. He hands one to me, but I kindly shake my head.

"Don't like coffee?" He asks.

"I'm more of a tea kind of girl."

Christian dumps out one of the mugs and makes me tea. I don't know how, but he knew exactly what kind of tea I like and how I like it. Christian sets his mug down onto the table and looks at Austin dead in the eye.

"Do I want to know?" Christian finally settles on a bar stool for the story.

"Never let your ex that you try to be friends with, dye your hair. Especially, when you have an ugly break-up with her best friend the day before." Austin moans sadly.

A small laugh escapes my mouth as I sip my tea.

"Only you." Christian says laughing with me because a smile just won't do.

"At least I still have my hair."

"What's for breakfast? And I would think twice about being glad you have your hair." I say. My stomach hurts, wanting food. Austin looks at me as if he's just noticing my presence.

"Oh, hello there." He says with a small wave. Without the odd hair, he's hot, but not as hot as Christ—no, I'm not going to finish that thought.

"Hi. So what are we eating?" I ask.

"I'll have Gail cook us something." Christian says brightly.


"She's our family's housekeeper and cook."

"Oh, okay." I say, giving Christian a small smile. He smiles back at me.

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