Chapter Two

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Christian P.O.V

Damn, this girl has a nice body.

Mom made me go with her to greet our new neighbors and invite them over for dinner tonight. I thought it was going to be boring as fuck, which it was. Then this girl, Anastasia, came out only in her underwear and bra. Don't get me wrong, I've seen a lot of nude chicks before. Elena especially. Okay, yeah, Anastasia wasn't nude, but damn she's still hot.

My mom saw that our new neighbors had a girl around my age and being her, well... she likes to play matchmaker. Currently, I'm with Elena. I'm not really with her. We're not dating and no one knows about us, probably 'cause she's twice my age and I'm her submissive. My mom cannot know about us, but I can't turn down the chance of being with someone as beautiful as Anastasia Steele without reasoning. If something happens between us, and Elena finds out going to flip and I don't know what she'll do. All I know is that she helps me forget my painful past.

Sometimes I think my mother only wants me to date so she can be a grandmother. But I'm not planning on having kids for a long, long time. Anyway, back to my mom being a match-maker. I know she wants me and Anastasia to get together. From what just went down, I can tell her mother wants the same thing. We don't even know them. They could be a family of serial killers for all I know.

Before Anastasia came out half naked, our moms were talking about us. The things we like, hate, our favorite foods, drinks, movies, books, hobbies, etc. Her dad kept staring at me. He was probably already imagining Anastasia and I's wedding and how he's gonna walk her down the aisle. Slow down, big boy. Mom made me stay and wait for her to get ready, which I wasn't looking forward to. Considering girls take hours to get ready. Anastasia was showered, dried, clothed, and ready to go within 23 minutes. I was bored, so I counted while flipping through TV channels.

I drove in my black Audi R8 that my dad bought for me, she didn't talk my ear off and we pulled into the parking lot at Uneeda Burger without me wanting to run away. That's an unusual feeling. The ride here was mostly silent except for the radio. But honestly, it was hard for me to keep my eyes on the road, her shorts showed off her nicely toned legs. They look so smooth and soft, just screaming for me to touch them. Somehow I managed not to.

We ate quickly but not much, and then headed to the park. We didn't stay long, since my mom had to start cooking dinner. We went back to my place and Mrs. Steele, Mr. Steele, and my mom practically ran to start cooking dinner. Anastasia just sat at the island smiling and watching them joke about something like how onions won't make you cry. I decided to join her.

"Don't like cooking?" I ask. She shrugs. Oh, that must mean she can cook.

"Want to watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure. What movie?"

"I don't know. Come on, we'll look." I say taking her wrist, dragging her behind me into the living room. Five minutes later we both agree on watching The Hangover. I lead her upstairs to my bedroom. After putting the movie in, I turn off the light and join her on my bed. Throughout the movie, Ana and I talk, laugh, and make comments about the movie as if we've known each other for years. Ana doesn't mind talking, but keeps it short. I'm very comfortable around her, I never do this sort of thing with Elena. All me and Elena talk about is my past and when our next fuck will be. As the movie progresses, we lay down on my bed, pretty soon her head is on my chest while my arm is wrapped around her. My eyelids don't want to stay open; I can feel Anastasia's body completely relaxed. She must of fallen asleep. With the remote in my hand, I turn the volume down on the TV and let my eyelids close. Before I fall asleep, I smile at the thought of having this beautiful and sexy girl in my arms.

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