Chapter Eight

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Anastasia P.O.V

Getting out of my warm, inviting bed, I head to the bathroom. Eyes half open, skin chilled from lack of clothing. What? I like only wearing my bra and underwear, is that a crime? Opening my bathroom door, more cold air hits me. I rush with my business, longing to be back in my cozy bed.

"You kn-" I scream cutting off the intruder. Spinning around, I'm met with those green eyes I'm becoming familiar with. Putting my hands over my pounding heart, I take a big relieving breath.

"You're not going to stop until you scare me to death, are you?!" I accuse as I smack him on the arm.

"Nope, we just got bored and decided to come over here." He says while looking back at the TV I hadn't noticed was on.

"We?" I ask, raising a brow.

"We. You know, as in Christian and I." I jump spinning around, to find Austin standing only a couple of feet behind me. I fling my hands back to my chest; I feel my pink laced bra, reminding me of my attire. I run into my room, slamming the door shut behind me. Seriously? Why does this keep happening to me? Honestly, what did I do? I just had to wear semi-see-through pink laced bra and panties didn't I! I just met Austin a day ago. Well that's better than when I met Christian, or his friends. Huh, weird. The first time I met Christian I was half nude, when I first met some of his friends they saw me partly nude within hours, Austin has need me half nude 24 hours after meeting. It progresses each time. How did they even get in? Maybe mom just-wait. Where's mom?

Putting on some jean shorts and a grey tank; I put my hair into a messy bun. I head to the bathroom once more. When done, I go to see where my mom is and why my living room has two teenage boys in it.

"Our moms are out shopping." Christian informs me when I enter the room. "Your mom said Austin and I could come over here if we got bored."

"How long have you been here, and why is my TV less boring than your TV?" I ask.

"In about an hour, we were going to get you up for some food. We waited for you." Christian said smiling sweetly answering my questions perfectly.

"What, so I could make you guys lunch?" I finally caught on. They give a "duh" look; I roll my eyes in response. Christian narrows his eyes at me and his expression changes.

"There are some leftovers in the fridge and TV dinners in the freezer, take the foil off before microwaving. Enjoy." I say heading to my room to pick out my outfit for tonight, so I can just throw it on, fix my hair, and leave. I've never been much of a make-up girl. I think people should like you for who you are, not the amount of crap on your face. I hardly ever wear any, but when I do, I go for a natural look. Kate loves putting make-up on me. I smile at the thought. I get out a floral sundress. I pick out a laced black lingerie to go with it and some black sandals to top it all off.

When I head back to the kitchen, I make myself a peanut butter sandwich; it wouldn't hurt to make the guys some too. I give them their food, and sit in between the two.

"Welcome." I say. Christian and Austin thank me, through bites of their sandwich. They didn't make any food while I was gone because Christian knew I'd give in.

"What do you want to do tonight?" Christian says after swallowing.

"Actually, I'm going on a date with Luke tonight." I say. Both of them start choking and coughing. "Whoa. Are you okay?" I say, patting their backs. Austin nods his head, as Christian reaches for his water.

"W-what?" Christian manages to say after taking a sip.

"Luke and I are going on a date at eight." I hear Christian mumble something under his breath.

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