Chapter Four

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Anastasia P.O.V

Abruptly, I awake to the sound of something hitting my bedroom window. I lay in bed for a while to see if I was just dreaming, but then I hear it again. What could that be? I check my phone to see what time it is. 2:34 A.M, holy crap. I get up and look outside my window. It's Christian.

"Christian?" I whisper.

"Yeah, it's me. Look, I'm sorry about what happened the other night with my friends. Can I please come in?"

"Sure. Is everything okay?"

"Um Ana, you have to, you know, open the front door so I can actually come in."

"You were throwing rocks at my window and you're standing under my window. Aren't you supposed to climb up here or something?" I say with a smirk.

"I left my ladder at home, and that's a little bit cliché, don't you think?" he says without smiling.

"Alright, well I'll be down in a few. Don't make a sound."


I open the front door and now that I see him up close he looks like he's been through hell. He's still in his pajamas. His head is down, but I can see he's been crying.

"Christian, you can come in." I whisper.

He stumbles through the door and into my arms. We stand there for god knows how long and I just hold him. I don't know what's wrong, but all I know is that he needs me right now and I'm here. It's been almost two weeks since I've moved in and got really close to Christian. I've never gotten close to a boy that didn't start off as a romantic relationship. I can hear Christian sobbing quietly into my neck. He puts his arms around my waist and pulls me close towards his body. What is going on?

"Are you okay? We should sit down." I say in his ear.

"I need to talk to you. Let's go to your room."


I lead him up to my room with my hand in his and him behind me. We sit down at the end of my bed and say nothing. Christian wipes his tears away with his shirt.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

After a while, he nods. "For the longest time I've been having these awful nightmares about my childhood. I never talk about it and I don't think I will ever gain the courage to, but I had one tonight and it was just unbearable. I had to see you."

Christian glances up at me. "Ana. I know it may have not seemed like it, but ever since that night you fell asleep in my arms, I knew you had to be mine. You're seeing me at my worst and I need you. I need you so badly."

Christian kisses me. I can feel his need through the kiss and I deepen the kiss. As our mouths are moving so are our bodies and before I know it, he's on top of me. He moves his hand up my shirt and I do the same.

Immediately, Christian gets up. "Stop, I don't like being touched there."

"Why?" I say confused.

"I should go."

"Christian, I'm really sorry. I didn't know. Please stay."

"It's fine. Go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." He says as he leaves my bedroom door.

Moments later I hear the front door close. I don't understand what I did wrong. He needed me and then all of a sudden he didn't. Just because I touched his chest. I felt some odd bumps on him, but I did't get the chance to see what they were. There's so little I know about him. I really thought he was going to tell me what was going on with his nightmare and his past. Knowing he was in pain tonight gave me such an urge to hold him. I'm not sure why I didn't because it would've turned into a whole better night if I did. He probably would've been here with me now. I plop onto the bed releasing a frustrated sigh. I guess it just takes time, that's all.

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